I Immediately Started to Manifest Money!

I Immediately Started to Manifest Money!

I recently purchased Ken’s Manifesting 1,2,3 book at the Barnes and Noble bookstore. I had read books on manifesting before but never could finish reading the books I purchased because they bored me.

Ken’s book was just right – not to little, nor too much. After I read the book through once, as most people normally do, I put it away. This book always seemed to gravitate back to me. It was when I read the book the second time that things started to really take hold.

I decided to test the manifesting techniques toward the idea of receiving money. Why not?

Within the first week of not really trying “to hard” I received a check in the mail for over $270.00 dollars for a “loan refund” from a loan company that had since left my city. I was shocked because after I had paid the loan off, I didn’t believe I was entitled to any refund. I had closed the loan years ago. That was an eye opener!! However, I still had my doubts that it was related to my “movie” as instructed in the book.

My next breakthrough came when I found a folded, one dollar bill outside of the gym at night. Then the following week, my son found five dollars on the floor at a restaurant waiting line. I was almost standing on it!!

Things continued to click. Last week, I took my daughter to attend an indoor skating birthday party. After the conclusion of the party, we walked out of the building where I noticed that there was a cell phone face down beside a parked vehicle. The owner of the phone happened to be a limo driver trying to locate his cell phone. We quickly connected and in gratitude, he gave me twenty dollars on the spot as a “reward’ for returning his phone to him. Presto! I manifested a twenty dollar bill.

Just today as I was leaving the community college I attended, I noticed on the school parking lot a flat snakeskin purse. I zipped open the purse and discovered a “wad” of money. It was twenty one dollar bills!! Also there was a debit card and a Colorado drivers license which provided me the address of the lady who misplaced her wallet. It was easy to contact the lady’s father. He was grateful for my efforts and awarded me the twenty one dollar bills as a token of his appreciation! Presto! Another twenty dollars manifested.

What I did not tell the gentlemen was what I was doing in my future ‘movie.”  For about a week, I was imagining that I had found a “wad” of cash. After a week of “going at it” in my movie, the results came right to me exactly as I had specified!! I was floored! In my movie I desired to have the money, and after finding it, I am always so grateful!

I realized that if I want to keep any future money I find, I need to be specific and claim it as mine. I add layers of intent daily and I am also more aware of my surroundings – making a game out of it. Seek and Ye shall surely find! I have also discovered that money will come to you in unexpected ways. It can come as a reward for doing the right thing by returning something to a grateful owner. I should know, it happened to me twice in one week!

I wish to point out that in my three plus years of living in Colorado Springs, I have never found money or had money appear to me in the way it has materialized to me in the last month. This all happened after I applied the techniques that are mentioned in the book.

If I can manifest small amounts of money like this, the sky is the limit on what I can do. Thank you so much, Ken, for your life-changing book. I cannot explain the mechanics on how it works, I just know IT WORKS!! In manifesting, there are no limits except what we place on ourselves. If you do not see instant results, do not loose faith. The “wad” of money is just around the corner, or in my case, in plain view in the parking lot ready to be claimed!


It was amazingly easy for Michael to create change

Within a very short time, he was seeing the effect of what he was manifesting. The information in the book gave him the confidence to try. He learned how thoughts actually create what we think. Again and again, his results made it clear. I can’t wait to see what Michael does next.

By the way, the book poses a question: “Do you know what the difference between a big miracle and a little one?”


Go big!


Want more? (it’s a fun ride)  Purchase the book or e-book.

Testimonials and Amazon five-star reviews 

Go to the Interviews Page to see and hear Ken talking about Manifesting 123 and you don’t need #3. There is new information here and you won’t hear it anywhere else. It is so simple. Make it work for you!

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Ken Elliott

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