Manifesting That Perfect Career!

Manifesting That Perfect Career!

Sunshine writes:

Ken and I met through a mutual friend, an authentic Colorado cowboy and someone who has become a dear friend. A few months later, my cowboy friend invited me over for a casual BBQ at his ranch, knowing I was struggling with my business. As we barbecued a couple of steaks outside, I noticed this book with an interesting cover, “Manifesting 1,2,3 and you don’t need #3” laying on his kitchen counter. I picked it up and started looking through it.  Cowboy walks back in and says, “Hey, you found the book Ken wrote. Do you believe in an afterlife and things like that?” Well, that started quite the conversation and before I left, he gifted the book to me.

I the left the book unread for a couple of weeks because I had to shut down my business and deal with all of the stress and work that comes with that. On the last day of moving out of my business space, I finally took a breath that night, sat down and started to read and read. Immediately, I began to practice the techniques from the book. Over the next 7 days and nights as I was working on resolving my remaining business challenges and my next career path, I read the book. Along with Manifesting 123 I was reading another book a dear friend of mine had gifted me. It was focused more on the power of prayer .

These two dear friends and these two incredible books came at the exact time I needed them. I had to shut down a business, my dream that I planned and prepared for 5 years. I had put in blood, sweat, tears and a great deal of money into that dream. I had believed mightily in this idea and I worked very hard in an attempt to make it viable. Now I am feeling like a total failure, lost a great deal of money and had been out of my core career for 3 years. But after finishing the Manifesting 123 book and putting the tools into practice, I felt a huge sense of relief and renewed hope. I focused on getting a job in the field I formerly had at a specific pay rate. This amount was what I needed to take care of my obligations and in just one week, I got that job!

A little background – I was raised with an atheist father and agnostic mother, so I didn’t have a strong tradition or concept of prayer and manifesting. These books inspired me and I put this new knowledge to work to obtain the job and pay I needed to survive. That meant paying my bills and not losing my wonderful home in the next 30 days.

It worked out beautifully. I got the job with 100% of the salary I wanted and it happened within a month. I had successfully created exactly what I envisioned but guess what? The job was a terrible fit. I wasn’t happy there but I had a job and was getting paid, right? Unfortunately, I was being treated very poorly and not being utilized or valued for the experience I had to offer.

I had learned to envision and “manifest” a job and salary solution quickly, a very good thing, and now I had reached my limit with this new job. Realizing I was empowered and without fear, I QUIT!  Crazy, you might think, but I felt there was nothing holding me back. I could manifest the exact job that would value me!  Within 2 weeks I had my next job came with everything I had asked for!

All was exactly what I required ….well, except I was now on the road and traveling 100% of time. I was never, ever home. I began to realize…be careful what you ask/manifest for because you will get it exactly! I didn’t include that I wanted the new job to be located near where I live. I continued with this new, high tech job for over a year. It gave me some new experiences, added value to my career and it paid the bills.

In the meantime, I decided to reread my Manifesting book. This time I would manifest exactly what I required and not so much of what I thought was necessary.

So when the time was right, a new job offer came in. This was the offer I was desiring with all of the criteria I asked for! It came just before Christmas, but wait – then a second offer came in and now Sunshine had a choice

I had been praying and manifesting on a regular basis and now I had two offers just as I went on a two week vacation break with my friends and family. I used the time to have fun, relax and consider which job to accept.

Everything worked out great and I love my new career! I’m working from home a lot and in a part of the house that I never used before. It’s an office with a fireplace, great lighting, my jazz music playing the background and my lovely golden retriever is laying at my feet. I have been traveling with my previous jobs so much I never considered using this part of the house for anything other than a file room.

Here I am, working in my comfortable home with a beautiful view outside the window. I’m working very efficiently and comfortably in my “new” office with my wonderful pup and seeing the friends I have missed the past two years.

I’m so incredibly happy, blessed and so very grateful. I can’t wait to manifest my next great thing!

Thank you Ken, and Cowboy, I got my Sunshine back!


What a remarkable series of Manifesting successes!

In each case, Sunshine got the job she envisioned and rather quickly, I should add. All she did was to follow the few, simple steps in Manifesting 123. She prayed as well, a very strong combination.

Everything she envisioned came to be, perfect you would think but that wasn’t the case. Sunshine was content with the minimum description of a good job, focusing on what it would pay.

She quickly raised the bar, adding value and happiness to her job requirement with great success. 

Your thoughts can make objects and concepts, positives and negatives. Get the book, listen to my interviews and read the stories on the website. Learn how thoughts actually create as you think them. Like Sunshine, you will become empowered and never view the world in the same way again.

Your happiness is waiting for you!




Want more? (it’s a fun ride)  Purchase the book or e-book.

Testimonials and Amazon five-star reviews 

Go to the Interviews Page to see and hear Ken talking about Manifesting 123 and you don’t need #3. There is new information here and you won’t hear it anywhere else. It is so simple. Make it work for you!

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Ken Elliott

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