Ask for Some Big Help

Ask for Some Big Help

From Mary,

I was travelling in Athens, Greece on my own. It was a memorable trip for all the right reasons including this near disaster. On the day before my flight back, I had run out of cash. My credit card was useless because I had forgotten my pin code (pre-cell phone days.) UG! This had to be taken care of right now, so with some cash on hand, I hailed a cab and headed for the nearest bank.

I was quickly declined, but undeterred my driver took me to another bank, and another until I realized that none of the banks would provide me the cash I needed to leave the country with. At a minimum, would need food tonight and taxi fare to the airport tomorrow.

As I approached the last bank I could see from the taxi meter that I didn’t have enough money to completely pay the driver. Something has to happen fast and it has to happen at this bank!

I called in my big guy, Michael the Archangel. It was a plea for help, pure and simple. I entered the bank and went to 4 different teller windows making my plea. I noticed a man with the bank had been watching me and he motioned me over. He asked me about my problem. We went into his office and amazingly, he gave me all the travel money I needed. He just gave it to me!

There was a rush of gratitude that I can still feel when I think of this.

I have another story…

My ex-husband LOVED to fish and he fished a lot. He is on the shore fishing and I am waiting. We have somewhere to go but it is not happening until he catches a fish. There hasn’t been a bite.

I asked, “If you catch a fish, can we leave?” “Sure.” he said, “How are you going to do that?”

“I’m going to ask Archangel Michael to send you one.” That got an interesting look in response.

He casts his line and I said “Archangel Michael, give him his fish!”  Boom, he hooked and landed a fish. “OK, let’s go,” I said. He was shocked!

After the giddiness settled, of course my ex came back with, “No, let’s get just one more.”

“Not a chance,” I said and we finally left the lake.

My ex and I still stay in touch, we are good that way and it’s interesting when he needs something big. He asks me to put the Archangel Michael on it!

The power is in the asking!

Got big friends in high places? Call them in. Ask! This newsletter is filled with stories that result from people asking: praying, manifesting, making lists, you name it.

Something happens when we ask – our thoughts begin to create what our mind sees. I’ve been sending objects via thought for almost 20 years to friends that can watch them form up in real-time in the unseen field around us. From there, it is a simple step to bring what you think into your life. We are all doing this continually but the act of thought making physical form has never been described until now.

In this case, Mary invoked Michael and got a fast response. Don’t you love it? From fifties to fishes, it didn’t matter. There are many roads to manifesting your desires

Get the book and make manifesting work for you. Angels are not included – that’s your call. 🙂

Go fish!

Ken Elliott

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