


Our Intentions Can Make a Difference

Our Intentions Can Make a Difference

Prayers going out for the couple written about here for their intentions and their best and highest good be done. Thank you, Leslie for your heartwarming story. Ken Leslie writes: I recently received a startling text from the husband of a dear friend, S., that I met while traveling about a year ago. She doesn’t live nearby but we have stayed close and I was...

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For Your Happy New Year (reprise)

For Your Happy New Year (reprise)

Each of us has lived through 8,765 hours and if we averaged 7 hours of sleep each night, then we were awake 6,205 of those hours last year. A lot can be made of that fact, but it certainly  spells opportunity. Somewhere along the way are the opportunities to be:  Grateful Complimentary Kind Generous Of love and not fear More generous to ourselves There is...

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A Terrible Illness, Information is Lacking and Our Only Option is Prayer

A Terrible Illness, Information is Lacking and Our Only Option is Prayer

M. writes: My husband got seriously sick and ended up in the hospital. I had found him on the ground beside his truck and he couldn’t get up. He had his phone in the truck but he was too weak to reach it, and he had been laying there for a good two hours. Once in the hospital, he was in and out of consciousness...

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Happy Thanksgiving! Living in Gratefulness and Gratitude as a Tool

Happy Thanksgiving! Living in Gratefulness and Gratitude as a Tool

For the season… for everyday. What is the feeling you get when someone thanks you? I remember being thanked so deeply that my sincerest, “You’re welcome,” did not equal what I was given. I felt that heartfelt thanks, their words of gratitude. In the book, Manifesting 1,2,3 and you don’t need #3, gratitude is shown to be a very important tool for increasing the power of your thoughts. With...

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It Was Very Important For Me To Manifest a Good Result

It Was Very Important For Me To Manifest a Good Result

M. has read Manifesting 1,2,3 and you don’t need #3 and she is very aware of the simple procedures in the book used to create positive outcomes for herself. In her own life and in her own way, M. has experienced much about the power of thought and prayer. Here is one of her grateful stories from this week. Ken M writes: So it was...

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Manifesting the Really Big Deals – Multiple Choices (reprise story)

Manifesting the Really Big Deals – Multiple Choices (reprise story)

Last week a good friend called, wanting to come by and talk a bit. We met about five years ago and immediately hit it off. He wanted to talk about what has been happening with him lately and dropped a hint that manifesting would be involved.He brought over a nice bottle of wine and we settled in. When we first met years ago, I discussed...

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Think We Could Manifest THAT?

Think We Could Manifest THAT?

Leslie is a successful, hard-working artist and friend. It’s good to see her and her husband doing something really special for themselves. Could they ask for more? Ken On vacation in Switzerland, Ron and I took the train from Bern to Zermatt. When we walked to the hotel, it was a cold rain cold rain but Inside was a warm, sweet little lobby with sheepskin...

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Positive Outcomes from Forgiving and Receiving

Positive Outcomes from Forgiving and Receiving

Here are two good stories where possible, multi-layered causes and effects are at work. At the least, it is a loving, charitable gesture and a clearing of sorts in action. Everyone involved received gifts and nothing was really lost. You can probably think of other things at work here…I hope you enjoy this one. Ken An artist, Charles writes: I really like how this turned out. It came from...

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Need Something Done? Manifest with Big Bird!

Need Something Done? Manifest with Big Bird!

From Dr Tamurah’s newsletter relaying a clients story, with their permissions: As a professional addictions counselor, Linda interacts with many, many people, often in seemingly hopeless situations. She recalls one client who had really turned his life around and was ready to start a new job. He had a car and the job, but he had no driver’s license. The frustrating part was that he could get the driver’s license...

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I Got a Glimpse That Manifesting Works, Then I Nailed It! (reprise)

I Got a Glimpse That Manifesting Works, Then I Nailed It! (reprise)

This is a favorite story about money and fear…. and manifesting! Ken Alicia writes: Shortly after my husband died, I took out a personal loan with my bank to pay for some badly needed repairs on the house. The amount of the loan was $15,000. About that time I saw the movie The Secret, which was a totally new concept to me. Later a webinar...

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