
“The closest thing to a magic wand you will ever get! Through this insightful and EASY book I have manifested a perfect location for my workshops, great parking places, more clientele for my business and more money. Ken’s method is so simple and fun. It helps one to embody the most important quality for manifesting anything….Gratitude. Thank you, Ken Elliott. I am SO GRATEFUL you have written this book!”  

Testimonial Michelle
5 stars

Ken Elliott radio interviews

Ken Elliott radio interviewManifesting 123 …and you don’t need #3

Listen to the interviews with Ken Elliott below. They will empower you for the rest of your life. This is a book that belongs in every library! This is not an ordinary manifesting or law of attraction book. You will learn how your thoughts actually form up and how to make them work for you! Further, you will have the tools to subdue worry and off-load the emotional fear that comes with it.

“I was fortunate. I directly learned that thought creates and does so immediately. In this book I’ll relate how thoughts begin to form up in the non-physical world and how you can bring them into your life simply and efficiently! This is so very easy you don’t even need #3…but it is very powerful to know! Did I tell you there’s a bonus?”


Unknown-1Ken is an experienced TV and radio interview and accepts public speaking engagements. To book an interview contact or speaking time contact:
Marianne Pestana 303-945-6195 or
Ken Elliott 303-995-1611

**Please specify your interview request in the email header.


Ken is also an accomplished artist, exhibiting and teaching throughout the U.S. View Ken’s artwork

Radio and Video Interviews:


Richard Dugan, Tell Me Your Story Radio

Richard and Ken have an open and casual conversation about how Manifesting 1,2,3 works, how to start now and some practical applications you can apply to your life now.

Audio interview  1 hour, 12 minutes



Beacons of Balance with Joanne and Arlene

Do you feel stuck in a rut? Yearning to create a more fulfilling life? This interview with manifestation expert Ken Elliott is your key to unlocking the power within! Learn how to harness the force of your thoughts and intentions to manifest your dreams and finally achieve the happiness you deserve. Discover powerful techniques for: Turning Thoughts into Reality: Bridge the gap between your desires and your lived experience. The Law of Attraction Made Easy: Uncover the core principles behind attracting what you truly want. Overcoming Obstacles and Limiting Beliefs: Eliminate negative self-talk and clear the path to success. Taking Responsibility for Your Life: Embrace your power to create the future you desire.

Video interview  36 minutes


Caroline Oceana Ryan of interviews author Ken Elliott on using your imagination to experience what you want to create and giving thanks as if it were already in your life.

Ken describes two simple manifestation techniques — making a wish list and expressing thanks, imaging what you desire as if that future were already here.

Audio interview  53 minutes


Undetoured- Navigating The Artist’s Journey Program
On How to Bring Your Thoughts Into The Physical Plane For Storytellers

Sloane Warren interviews Ken on this Apple Podcast

audio interview  1 hour, 19 minutes



Unknown-8Unknown-9The Art of Film Funding with Carole Dean and Claire Papin.

“We are in a remarkable time and have an opportunity to choose … If ever there was a time to create the change you desire in your life, it is now.” ~ Ken Elliott

Our guest, Ken Elliott, provides dramatic information about how our thoughts are literally creating form, so called good and bad things and how to manage fear.

From the Heart Productions funds films that are unique and make a contribution to society. These are unfinished films with compelling and powerful stories that without our help may never get made. more about Carole Dean and From the Heart Productions
Listen / download

The Mantz and Mitchell Show

Ken Elliott discusses manifesting concepts, the ups and downs of our lives, worthiness and how manifesting actually creates what you think.

Audio interview, 55 minutes

The Mantz and Mitchell Show

Ken Elliott joins his friend and mentor, Judy Goodman, in a conversation about the nature of manifesting and the malleability of the material world.

Audio interview, 1 hour, 58 minutes

The Peace, Love, Joy and Bliss Transformation Show with Donna Whittington and Guest Ken Elliott

Donna and Ken cover the entire Manifesting 1,2,3 with stories, information and fun. This hour goes by fast!

Max interviews Ken about his book and experiences and Max talks about his life in this casual and enlightening conversation.

Video Interview  1 hour 20 minutes

Kathy Bacon and Ken ElliottKathy Bacon of What’s Your Story

Kathy’s interview with Ken is wide-ranging, fun and covers the Manifesting 123 with a story about how our thoughts actually create form in real-time!

1 hour   (start at the 1:28 mark to miss the technical difficulties at the beginning)

New Earth Journey with Candace Craw-Goldman

Candice interviews Ken as he describes how Manifesting 123 was created. He discusses the very gifted Judy Goodman and how his meeting her set the book in motion many years later. The out of body author William Buhlman is also a part of the story. Listen in as Ken explains how your thoughts literally take form as you think it – things and concepts.

This is the real Secret of Secrets! Don’t miss it.

audio interview   57 minutes

moore showThe Moore Show

In this hour + video interview, Kevin Moore and Ken cover all the aspects of Manifesting 123 and you don’t need #3. This conversation covers all the bases with additional insights and stories

video interview  1 hour, 11 minutes

Living with hosts Marc Lainhart and Kimberly Thalken

Here’s how your thoughts actually create form. Marc and Kimberly interview Ken to bring out this incredibly important information – the entire 1,2,3!

audio interview   56 minutes

Gary Mantz and Suzanne Mitchell Show

Gary and Suzanne discuss Manifesting 123 with Ken and how to make the 123 work for you!

audio interview   over one hour


UT copy

Sylvia Henderson,  Intuitive Transformations

Have you ever wondered why creating a wonderful life seems so easy for some, yet so very challenging and difficult for others?

Sylvia’s guest Ken Elliott, author of the award winning book Manifesting 1 2 3: And You Don’t Need #3, provides new evidence that will change your point of view of the world and allow you to consciously manifest what you would love to receive and experience in your life.
audio interview   1 hour


video temp copyHangout on Connections with Hedi  Hornlein and Margherita Crystal LotusHedi in Italy and Margherita in Canada join in a video interview with Ken as he describes the importance of knowing exactly how your thoughts actually take form as you think them! video interview   53 minutes



Tippy Felzenstein on Tippy Talk Radio

Ken talks about his amazing book and answers the question of how thought works and the simple tools to create the desires of your lifetime.
audio interview  46 minutes

New Consciousness Review

In this one hour interview Miriam Knight has a conversation with Ken regarding Manifesting 123 and how it actively creates physical form and concepts. Much is revealed in this interview and the hour goes by quickly!

audio interview  57 minutes

Richard Dugan, Tell Me Your Story Radio

Richard interviews Ken as he reveals how your thoughts literally work and how to make it happen for you in this fun and comprehensive discussion.
audio interview  1 hour


Rob McConnell copyThe ‘X’ Zone Radio Show with Rob McConnell

Rob and Ken discuss the mechanics of manifesting – how thought literally creates from and outcomes. This is new information that underpins everything you have ever heard about manifesting or the law of attraction! (We didn’t get around to the importance of gratitude here, so don’t forget!)

Audio interview on Youtube   1 hour 

The Patricia Raskin Show

Tune in when Patricia interviews Ken Elliott, an award winning artist & author who has been showcased on media all over the positivelivingworld. He will discuss his new book, Manifesting 123, a results oriented book using simple techniques. He will share amazing stories from people describing their successes and how our thoughts are constantly shaping the reality around us. Audio interview  20 min.

Living Unfiltered 10-15 copyLiving Unfiltered Show Video with Wendi Cooper
Have you ever wondered how to have the perfect life with the perfect partner? Have you heard of the “Law of Attraction” until you are blue in the face? Have you ever wondered how to put it to work for you? #Ken Elliott is the author of “Manifesting 123” – the best book I’ve found on teaching one the skills to manifest their “movie” and turn a frown upside down. Join me as we discuss Ken’s journey and how he has found his perfect place.. Also see Ken’s artworks at his website they are gorgeous!
1 hour video interview

Higher Journeys Radio with host Alexis Brooks

The Law of Attraction – There’s MUCH more to the story!

Alexis speaks with Ken Elliot, author of Manifesting 1-2-3, about thought building, the mechanics of the law of attraction and beyond.
58 minutes listen / download

pwThe Power Within Show with host Julianna Ricci
one hour Listen / download

Julianna writes
“Jump-start your manifestation magic! You don’t want to miss this interview… What a blessing, to interview and hang out with Ken Elliott, author of the book Manifesting123…and you don’t need #3.

First: I have read a TON of books about Manifesting. The concept is not new to me. Not remotely.
Second: Ken somehow manages to give some new nuggets of gold in this book. How the…???

This is not an ordinary manifesting or law of attraction book. It melds the stuff I’ve already done on my radio shows – our thoughts become things – and details some fun, easy things we can do to make the most of this fact.

Ken’s book contains critically new information beyond the law of attraction and makes the entire manifesting process amazingly simple. Special tools or talents are not necessary. You don’t need to know how to meditate, or have a pure soul, or even martyr-ish intentions. Bah!

This is for all of us, to manifest the fun and joy and abundance and ease we are working so hard to create.”

The Inspiration Show with Natalie Ledwell

In Natalie’s interview with author Ken Elliott, he covers why his book Manifesting 123 contains breakthrough information that changes everything you have ever heard about Manifesting or the Law of Attraction. In this casual conversation with Natalie, Ken covers the 123 topics and explains how easy it is for anyone. You are already the expert. You have already been manifesting all your life. Find out how your thoughts come into form in the unseen world around you. (I’m not as mean as the video still might indicate 🙂
Video interview 13 1/2 minutes

Lighted Paths Radio with Claire Papin

cpThis interview offers a fresh perspective on how thought works and the role it plays in the non-physical world before appearing in your physical world. His method is simple with profound implications. Join us in a lively and passionate discussion as Ken shares his visionary process that he, and countless others, have successfully been using in the realm of manifesting.

Listen / download 1 hour, 3 minutes


Unknown-3Transformation Talk Radio
Dr. Pat Show

Ken and Dr. Pat have a great time discussing the entire Manifesting 123. The interview goes fast and it is incredibly informative.
30 minutes
Interview begins at the 16:45 mark.

Listen / download

Unknown-6Kenny Brixey
Host of Life’s Toolbox
Unlimited Reality website
Host Kenny Brixey takes author Ken Elliott through the basic concepts of Manifesting 123.Ken Elliott, the author of the wonderful new book, In this two part radio show, they have an extended conversation on many topics, including manifesting the life you desire. The author joins us to share a fun and exciting way to move your visions into your reality. If you want something more or different for your life than you currently have, listen in and learn how to manifest the life you seek.

Have you ever watched a movie and connected so deeply with one of the characters that you could see yourself in that role? How would you like to take that a step further? What about writing, producing, directing and starring in the movie of your perfect life? How about using that movie as a tool to manifest the life you desire? Well tune into this show because you are about to hear how this is not only possible; it is easy. Ken Elliott, the author of the wonderful new book, “Manifesting 1 2 3 and you don’t need #3” joins us to share a fun and exciting way to create the life you desire.If you want something more or different for your life than you currently have, listen in and learn how to manifest the life you seek.

May 7, 2014 Part 1 listen / download audio: 26 minutes
June 9, 2014 Part 2 listen / download audio: 26 1/2 minutes




The Art of Film Funding with Carole Dean and Claire Papin. Our guest, Ken Elliott, shares information on manifesting. What to ask for and what not to ask for. How we can live a better life with more joy and completed films. Ken discusses the entire Manifesting 123.

From the Heart Productions funds films that are unique and make a contribution to society. These are unfinished films with compelling and powerful stories that without our help may never get made. more about Carole Dean and From the Heart Productions
Listen / download

Unknown-10Celestial Energies & Lordiel

Lordiel and Ken discuss the Manifesting 123 techniques. At it’s core, your thoughts begin to form up on the other side and Ken describes his experiences on the topic. He makes it clear that your desires and worries both begin to manifest immediately and the discussion gives time to both. In these interviews, Ken goes through the 123 and in the Dec 9 interview they focus on worry and gratitude.

listen / download November 1, 2013
listen / download December 9, 2013
listen / download February 4, 2014 1 hour, 19 min Ken covers the entire 123 and has amazing stories to add

Survival Talk Radio with Klarque Garrison and co-host Michele Gilliam Morrisey

August 21, 2013
listen / download Interview timing start: 9:27 – 32:24 min.