Can You Create What You Desire? Are You Worthy?

Can You Create What You Desire? Are You Worthy?

I have a lot of conversations with people on the subject of manifesting and there are some common themes.

Surprisingly, a large number of people aren’t really sure of how they would like their lives to be. We get so busy we don’t leave time to really consider what we would like our future to be. We don’t make it a priority.

Here’s an idea from the forward of the book: we are truly like that Genie. As we think of something, it immediately begins to form right in front of us.  This is all fully explained in the book, but consider it to be true.  Many of us have experienced this to be a fact.

Your thoughts are creating what you’re thinking, so it is fundamental to have a script, a blueprint of what you want your life to be, where you prefer to go. Here is a guide for starters: health, safety, fulfillment, love, financial security… you get the idea. These are wonderful concepts and it is not necessary to specify how they must happen.

All that’s left to do is to use the simple instructions in Manifesting 123 on a daily basis and magnify those thoughts with gratitude.

But that’s not the way it is for all of us. We run into another very common roadblock: worthiness.

Perhaps this example will help. Everyone is born with the ability to breathe. Breathing is a fundamental gift that maintains our lives. When we wake in the morning we don’t pray or beg for air. It is freely given to everyone without judgment. Regardless of our stature or standing in life, we are all allowed to breathe.

Creating with thought is a natural law, also freely given. You would not deny yourself the ability to breathe, so take advantage of what you are allowed to create by simply thinking it. Don’t miss out on what is equally offered to everyone.

I have over 15 years of experience sending things in thought to people gifted enough to see those thoughts start to take form in real time. This is a real and incredibly important tool. Please don’t deny this great gift you were born with.

Point yourself to happiness. Use your thoughts to create your life of joy and fulfillment.

Here’s some wisdom and encouragement from Mohammed Ali:

“Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they’ve been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It’s an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It’s a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing.”

Start now!

Have a manifesting story to share? Please email it in and if it is used for this newsletter I’ll send you a free, signed copy of the book as a thank you.

Photo credits: Apensiveheart’s Blog and from Manifesting 123 on Pinterest. Mohammed Ali photo: The Telegraph

Ken Elliott

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