Did Manifesting Clear a Potential Medical Problem?

Did Manifesting Clear a Potential Medical Problem?

Angela writes:

I’ve been making time to visualize and create my ideal life diligently since I attended one of Ken’s workshops a couple months ago. Results have come with subtlety– no thunderbolts, lightening strikes or “aha’s” but there has been a sense of ease and flow and I’ve been enjoying the process.

Last week I went to the doctor for what I expected to be a routine follow-up visit. I had ruptured ovarian cysts a couple months prior and we were monitoring their healing with ultrasound rechecks. Instead of being sent easily on my way home after what should have been a protocol visit, my doctor was scratching her head. She’d never seen anything like the images taken that day and sent me for blood work as a precaution. Unless it is good news, that is something you don’t what to hear from your doctor. When she told me the worst case scenario would mean surgical removal of the ovary, I felt myself go into the emotional tank. She was screening to rule out cancer.

Leaving the appointment, I decided to share the news with one person only – my incredible boyfriend. I wanted to have someone I could be real with – someone to anchor all the scared, down-in-the-dumps, woeful parts of me. I knew I was going to get to work on manifesting and visualizing my healing and I needed an outlet to ground me when I had frightened human moments. I didn’t want to be a Pollyanna while I awaited the outcome. I wanted to take action.

After offloading to my beau, I went right to work. Every day I visualized healthy cells working together harmoniously to support my body. I was so grateful that the gift of my body allowed me to do the work I was put on this earth to do. I felt vibrant, alive, and strong.  If I needed a moment to acknowledge the gravity of the waiting game, I did so and then went right back to being grateful for my health and vitality.

After a week, I got the call that my blood work had come back negative. I was just fine. What great news! I leapt through the roof!

Maybe I had been healthy all along. Or perhaps I did get the thunder and lightening manifestation result that would turn a skeptic into a devout believer. Maybe we don’t give ourselves enough credit for creating powerful positive results in our lives.

Whichever you choose to believe, I can’t imagine a healthier way to spend your time waiting for potentially devastating news. I used the time to manifest the healthy future of my choosing.

Manifesting 123 described how my thoughts immediately begin to create the outcomes I desire. This is incredibly important information and it focused my thoughts. These efforts diminished some understandable anxiety and gave me the power of hope and choice. I am incredibly grateful for the news, but most importantly I feel blessed to have the tools to navigate tough situations with peace. Practicing the art of manifesting is a beautiful path to life mastery.



Anxiety, Action and Gratefulness

I like the Elvis quote at the top of the newsletter, “When things go bad, don’t go along with them.” Angela was very concerned after seeing her doctor and it would be easy to expect the worst and dwell on negative outcomes.

Instead, she began to imagine the perfect result in her future. Because Angela knew how thoughts actually take form as we think them, she decided to create positive choices rather than negative ones.

It’s human nature to wait for a crisis before we pray or wish for a happy solution. By whatever successful mechanism, I’m thrilled that Angela was cleared of any medical problems.

It bears repeating that your thoughts can create anything. Whatever you are repetitively thinking is taking shape in the unseen field around you. For almost 20 years I have been sending simple and very complicated objects in thought to Judy Goodman. Not only did she always see what was being sent, but she could observe my thoughts forming these objects in real time. I didn’t possess any special skills and I wasn’t the only one sending objects. All of us are equally empowered to create with our thoughts.

So let’s be smart. Imagine your future with perfect health and that you are without large worries or concerns. Don’t wait for a crisis, create a better future for yourself by just envisioning it every day. It’s all in the book, simply stated but immensely powerful. Be grateful for this incredible gift of creation.

To your health and happiness, in advance!


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Ken Elliott

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