11 May 2018 / by Ken Elliott / in Stories
How Quickly Can I Manifest Three Important Things? Part 1
Miranda writes:
Here’s how it is. I have three daughters with me, 2 in their teens and one in her early 20’s. We are a great team and to keep it humming I get up every weekday at 4am to catch a bus to begin my job at 7am.
I am an estimator at a body shop, a new position that I am very happy to have. At times I need to move our clients cars around and I am required to have a drivers license to do so. Getting a license in Canada is not easy or inexpensive but now that I am 44, it is time to make the effort. My daughters would agree!
Since I have read the book, I have my little routine for manifesting and I add a earnest prayer as well. So lately I have been imagining passing that drivers test.
To begin I needed a good instructor to provide the best opportunity to pass the test. Instructors are not inexpensive, so that was a concern as well. I got the information I needed in just a couple of days. I was out walking during my lunch break and I saw a driving instructor vehicle with a contact number. I called in, felt very comfortable, signed up and had a lesson right away. My instructor is Heavenly sent, an amazing patient gentleman and just what I needed.
Once the driving lessons were done it was time for me to take the drivers test. I had already spent a lot of money on lessons and for the day of the test I had to spend more to rent a car. Failure was NOT an option! At the testing center an examiner was selected for me. The staff could tell I was nervous and they were a bit scared for me because my randomly selected examiner was very strict.
I got off to a bad start when I asked the examiner, “Should I start the car?” My examiner replied in a deadpan, “It’s already running.” That was pretty awkward and I made it more so when I told the examiner that I would be saying my driving lessons out loud as I proceeded through the test.
Perhaps my style was humorous and she appreciated the gratitude I showed for this opportunity because in the end I passed. It was a VERY BIG DEAL that day and for the rest of my life!
I had other problems waiting for me though. My apartment manager had just notified me of a very big rent increase. I needed all my available funds and miracles to buy a good car instead. Now that I am eligible to drive, how can I make that happen?
I had already sent out the prayers and had been manifesting that the rent increase and car would be taken care of. Solutions needed to happen fast, beginning with the rent increase problem. I put a plan in the morning of the drivers test regarding the rent increase. I would have to patiently wait until after work that day to see if my plan was successful. It was a good day because one of the three things that needed to happen, the drivers test, was a big success! Next is solving my big rent increase and finding a way to purchase my car.
I am grateful!
What unfolded later that day was beyond Miranda’s wildest dreams… more in next Friday’s newsletter!
This is part three of Miranda’s terrific story and the third hurdle to overcome.
View part 2
View part 3
Go to the Interviews Page to see and hear Ken talking about Manifesting 123 and you don’t need #3.
There is new information here and you won’t hear it anywhere else. It is so simple. Make it work for you!
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Photo credit above: unknown and Manifesting123 on Pinterest