Manifesting and the Equivalents

Manifesting and the Equivalents

First, let me begin with two points, simply stated. First, our coordinated thoughts with two people or larger have great power. Never underestimate what two or more people can create together. Peace in the family? World peace anyone?

Also, we have another power and it is one that has the ability to improve how we feel in the worst of situations. It is gratitude. There is always something to be grateful for and when we are in a grateful place, not only do we feel better but by example, we can lift the spirits of others.

Let me start by saying it is human nature to limit ourselves but our thoughts are not limited at all. Everything in our world, unless it occurred naturally, was likely formed first by the thought of someone or by a group working together. Also, we often fall into the tendency to have singular goals with only one way to achieve it. Let’s open things up, way up.

Something that is often missed in our creative endeavors is the concept of equivalent outcomes. We will often score our manifesting success by the ability to buy the thing we are manifesting but there are far more positive possibilities beyond making a material purchase.

In the stories archive there are numerous examples of people needing better cars and they do appear as gifts. There are also examples  of a far better used car paid for by the insurance company after hail damage totaled out the much older one.

Money is a concept and there are endless ways that money can appear unexpectedly and outside of earning wages. There are the unexpected checks in the mail for example and then there are the equivalents of money: better places to live for less money, reductions in costs, sales on needed items, charity, gifts, vacations at friend’s homes with little or no cost and much more.

Sometime what appears to be bad news is not. Individuals are moved out or fired from undesirable jobs when a new one is wished for or manifested. This looks like the worst possible outcome, but leaving that job would have been difficult because financial security was required. What often occurs next is that more options are now available and a new job appears, slightly better perhaps, but at a minimum, a good place to land until the more ideal opportunity presents itself.

There are physical frailties that can be improved or managed with medicines or assisting technologies from leg braces to cardiac pacemakers, providing the equivalent of well-being and good health. 

Many of my favorite stories sent in and available in the web story archive, are what I call the “internal” ones like more happiness and less stress, and as two examples, people are asking for and manifesting changes in their personal lives. It’s not as if they want the president of the company to retire so they can take that job, something that would require a lot of “moves” beyond their personal sphere. They are not asking for world peace as a prerequisite for their personal comfort. Regardless of their present position, they just wish to have a more contented and pleasurable life, happier and if that is the case, less anxious.

Sometimes the life changing result has appeared the very next morning upon waking. “I haven’t been this happy since high school,” and in another experience, “Stress is not an issue for me anymore.” Also, these two individuals describe their miraculous experience from a deep knowing, both saying, “… and I know the change is permanent.”

Equivalents allow for far more possibilities than the single target approach we so often take. We can’t know all the likelihoods; our view is too limited, but here’s a suggestion that uses a very broad net for good results.

Ask “That your best and highest good be done,” And be sure and add your gratitude to this request.

Your thoughts will begin from an unlimited starting point to form results, not just one and in the quickest and most efficient way. It may not happen overnight, but your thoughts are now on the job building away. Oh, and don’t forget, you are heard.

Don’t miss out!

Photo credit: istock / Francscoach, and Manifesting 123 on Pinterest

Ken Elliott

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