Manifesting Delivers: One Bag Full

Manifesting Delivers: One Bag Full

This story is a good reminder of how our thoughts create form – sometimes literally. The ability to manifest anything is one of our greatest gifts, so please, make full use of what is your birthright!

Joan writes:
My manifestation practice snuck up on me. After reading your book and attending your workshop, I got a better idea of what my thoughts have been doing all these years. It’s funny because I was definitely manifesting all along but I wasn’t noticing just how much.

Now I can see the consitancy of what I have been creating in the past. Manifesting 1, 2 3, and my personal experiences have combined to give me confidence in myself and a clear purpose to manifest good things for myself daily.

I wanted to send you this story of one of the funnier and somewhat poignant manifestations I did. At the time I was in a skinny place financially so I started asking to have a lot of money come to me. It was a ‘bring me the money’ kind of thing and I stayed with that idea.

Not long after, I was out doing errands and I found an ACTUAL BAG OF MONEY. I mean packed with paper bills! As it turned out, it wasn’t mine to keep. Rather, it belonged to an old couple that refused credit cards so they carried their (life?) savings around with them instead. I’m glad I knew how to find the rightful owners and they were very happy to see their bag of money again!

As it turned out, I survived my financial concerns back then and I am thankful for that. Interestingly, the lessons that remain are how I manifested that money out of the blue. After all, how many people just find a big bag of money sitting around??

The other lesson that stayed with me is that we should be more compassionate about others and yes, ourselves. Now I am more open to asking and manifesting to better care of myself and return, I can be of more value to others.

I think that’s what you do too!
Take care Ken and happy summer!

There are over 200 stories on the Manifesting 123 website. Other readers are writing in with their very encouraging success stories, all searchable by keywords. Get the book, learn what they are doing, then get going! Once you know how manifesting actually works, it’s not likely you will let it go!

Go to the Interviews page to see and hear Ken talking about Manifesting 123. There is new information here and you won’t hear it anywhere else. It is so simple. Make it work for you!

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Photo credit: unknown

Ken Elliott

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