Prayer and Manifesting at a Critical Time

Prayer and Manifesting at a Critical Time

My daughter lives in another city and was recently involved in a serious accident and fractured her skull. One of the fractures could have caused her death because it was next to her brain stem. My husband and I flew up to be with her and I immediately started praying and visualizing her full recovery with her return to vibrant health.

I refused to see her as brain impaired or any of the other terrible outcomes that tried to come into my brain. My husband wanted to talk about some of those outcomes and understandably so, but I kept telling him to focus on her recovery, not on his fears.

I continually expressed gratitude for her healing as I saw her beautiful self getting on with her life, healthy and happy.  I stayed with this visualization over a few weeks and I never lost the vision, gratitude and certainty that she would be ok.

Within a few days she was lucid and clearly herself mentally. She had a lot of concussion symptoms but without and symptoms of brain damage.  She came out of the hospital and slowly continued to improve.

It has now been 3 weeks and I continue to picture her healthy and recovered. I am expressing enormous gratitude for all that has transpired. She is much better and hoping to return to work next week.  I am so, so grateful!

I have to say that there were a lot of people praying for my daughter. I also asked all my non-praying friends to focus on her recovery and send healing thoughts, wishes and energy.  So there was a lot of positive energy being channeled towards her.  I also realize that we cannot manifest an outcome for a person that is not right for them.

I chose to do my part as sincerely and as full of gratitude and emotion as I could. I understand that there were many other factors involved and the final outcome is determined by a much greater and higher reality.

In the most uncertain of times with a lot at stake, it is easy to be overcome with fear and complexity. At a time of great trial, Cynthia used two great tools: prayer and manifesting. She brought in more people to add to her own prayers and steadfastly imagnied a future with her daughter’s positive result.

There is so much to be thankful for here and I so admire how Cynthia quickly took action and brought others in to help. Thank you for your beautiful story.

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Photo credit: unknown

Ken Elliott

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