What are you manifesting? What are you blocking?  Part 1 of 2

What are you manifesting? What are you blocking? Part 1 of 2

Imagine that you are manifesting something wonderful and new for your life. It could be anything: that new career, car, friends or that partner that is your ideal.

Judy Goodman was working with someone’s ‘new’ manifestations and she pointed out something unseen and profound. Judy is at core of Manifesting 123 – she is the person that could watch my thoughts forming up in real time. It’s something we all do continually and it is foundational to creating the life you desire.

Judy pointed out that the person wanting newness had not really changed much in their life. The clothes, music, habits, décor, etc had been the same for quite some time. It wasn’t boring or wrong, but it was this sameness that was putting out a signal.

Because nothing much had changed in the way this person lived, the implication was that the person was happy with the way things are. By keeping things the same, we are communicating that we are just fine and are not that open to further change. We are content with the status quo.

Since you can manifest anything, bring every advantage into your process. Imagine you are expecting happiness, but continuing to be dour or critical too much of the time. This negativity is stifling the happiness plan. It might be a bit much to call this status quo position a block, but it is not supporting or magnifying what is being manifested.

What can we do? It’s really pretty easy.
Continue to manifest as outlined in the book but also shake things up a bit with something like new combinations of clothes. Sure you can shop for more, but you can simply recombine what you already have. It is the willingness to change your look slightly that opens the door for the ‘new’ you seek. Play different music, go to new places, try new foods, change some things around in your home.

If you are planning to bring new things into your life, then make some changes in the life you have now. It’s small but important. The way you live and what you allow is a receptacle for what is to come.

Should you want more organization and less stress in your life, then how about cleaning out the car or your work area and keeping it that way? Want to be more successful? It’s as simple as treating yourself to that nice coffee or some other perk next time. How about a luxurious nap or taking the time to watch a sunset? If you were successful, you could easily do these small things.

Searching for your ideal partner? Be prepared for those inevitable changes now with your wardrobe, rearranging things in your home, what you eat and where you go. Shake up the norm in your daily experience.

Put out the welcome mat. Declare that you are open to receive and happy to embrace the new that you are manifesting each day. As you are creating your lovely future, bring a little future into your life right now.

New week we’ll talk about bigger blocks and how Manifesting 123 has been a tremendous tool to eliminate some stubborn obstacles.

Gotta run…..  Rearranging ideas are popping up! How about you?



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Ken Elliott

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