When I Try, I’m Good at Manifesting, Including My Special Delivery

When I Try, I’m Good at Manifesting, Including My Special Delivery

I’ve been reading some of these stories and I can relate to the power of manifestation. I was taught at a very young age (12) to write down your dreams and goals. So I did, but stopped because I was way too young and restless to understand the power of manifesting. If my dreams didn’t happen immediately, I stopped DREAMING.

As I got older, I realized the power of manifestation and read books, listened to audio tapes, wrote my dreams and goals down, etc. Then I started to realize…OMG, manifesting had been working throughout my life and wasn’t realizing it. I was moving through life too fast to stop and think about what I truly manifested.

I manifested a husband, wanted to marry a pilot and I did. I wanted to live in a townhome on a lake and I did. I wanted a position as an executive assistant and I got the job. I wanted to live in a private-gated community and that happened too. I repetitively thought about these things and EVENTUALLY they all came true.

Listen to this. My husband and I had three cats that we loved but as they got older they became more self-sufficient, less cuddly and slept all of the time. I really wanted a baby kitten. One day I found a picture of an adorable kitten sleeping and it took my breath away. I loved the picture of that kitten.

So I put the picture of that baby kitten on my laptop and every time I logged in, I saw the picture of that adorable kitten. The sensation I felt when I saw that kitten was unbelievable. I felt like he/she was my kitten, ready to hold, snuggle and love.

One day, my husband beckoned me to the front door and he was holding a little cat he found hiding in the bushes. I almost fainted. The cat was the same color as the kitten I saved on my laptop with the same cute, adorable face. Whoa!! The cat was shaking, scared and hungry. Apparently someone moved and left him homeless.

My husband put the cat in my arms and said he needs love. He’s YOURS! I remember holding and snuggling that cat. I had pictured my snuggling and holding a baby kitten and the one we found was just a little bit older than the one in the picture. When I showed my husband the picture of the baby kitten on the laptop, he smiled and stated that everything I asked for in life had always come to fruition. I came to know that the power of manifestation was in the way you hold those thoughts near and dear to you.

I am very grateful to add my story to the many others on your website. These stories are TRUE! It works if you keep dwelling on your dreams and goals, but it happens faster when you feel it.

Thank you for your loving stories and your insights. I agree that when you add emotion to your thoughts it makes them much more powerful.  Note that this applies to those positive AND negative thoughts. Your thoughts create without judgment and when you add a positive emotion (love) or worry (fear) to any thought it will begin to create quickly and efficiently.

View or listen to my interviews on the website, get the book  and learn how your thoughts literally create as you think them. Take full advantage of your birthright: you are endowed to create anything!


Go to the Interviews page to see and hear Ken talking about Manifesting 123 and you don’t need #3.
There is new information here and you won’t hear it anywhere else. It is so simple. Make it work for you!

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Photo credit: Mother Jones and Manifesting 123 on Pinterest

Ken Elliott

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