Freeing Ourselves from Limits

Freeing Ourselves from Limits

On my birthday this week I received a most unusual gift, a letter from a woman named C. She is currently in a correctional facility and then the library she found a copy of Manifesting 123 and you don’t need #3. She wrote to tell me she had been a student of manifesting for many years and named a number of other prominent authors in the field.

She said that the information in Manifesting 1,2,3 was on par with the best that she had ever read on the subject but with this big difference, “This book has made it so easy to understand!” She went onto say that the understanding she gained has changed her life.

That’s a very nice present to get on one’s birthday and it got me to thinking about what sort of changes could happen within the limits of a correctional facility. Regardless of where we are, we have our limits. It’s very likely that we are not going off on an international flight tomorrow, quitting our jobs, or abandoning all of our responsibilities.

Our lives are full of limits and there’re a great many of those we would like to be free of. That’s where the manifesting comes in. Thinking about C., what is it that she could be doing? She is confined to the space she is in and would surely like to be elsewhere. It sounds similar to a restrictive job or relationship that we commonly find ourselves in.

At a minimum, there are a couple of positive things to manifest in this situation. The first would be to imagine a future where our present situation becomes a very pleasant one. Instead of going through all of the details, manifest a future where you are happy and fulfilled your present situation and that your best and highest good is being done and that you were so grateful for how it all worked out. Can that happen during an incarceration? Yes, just as easily as things could pleasantly turnaround at work or a difficult relationship could miraculously re-blossom.

Here is something else to consider that we don’t always think of. We can manifest how we feel and react to present situations. Regardless of what’s going on around us, we can manifest that we are calm and at peace with our present position. We can create a future where we are not stressed by our problems or others that cause them.

From the hundreds of stories from readers of this book a common theme emerges. When individuals begin to manifest changes within themselves, those adjustments happily appear and sometimes very quickly. A number of people, myself included, have literally woken up happier, others with less stress, and another woke up knowing that they would never experience the feeling of loneliness again.

Also, be very aware of the words you speak. Every utterance is a command to create and our thoughts create whatever we say or think. As we repeat positive or negative thoughts, we are creating form.

Create the changes you desire. Get the book or listen to my informative interviews on the website. Either way, all the information you need is there to help you change what limits you now and set you on the path you choose for your happiness and fulfillment.

Go to the Interviews Page to see and hear Ken talking about Manifesting 123 and you don’t need #3. There is new information here and you won’t hear it anywhere else. It is so simple. Make it work for you!

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Please email it in and if it is used for this newsletter I’ll send you a free, signed copy of the book as a thank you.


Photo credits: left, Huffington Post Boxed In Article and Manifesting123 on Pinterest

Ken Elliott

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