A Terrible Illness, Information is Lacking and Our Only Option is Prayer

A Terrible Illness, Information is Lacking and Our Only Option is Prayer

M. writes:
My husband got seriously sick and ended up in the hospital. I had found him on the ground beside his truck and he couldn’t get up. He had his phone in the truck but he was too weak to reach it, and he had been laying there for a good two hours.

Once in the hospital, he was in and out of consciousness and was often disoriented for the first two days. It was determined that he had some kind of infection. The doctors did all kinds of testing but couldn’t find the source of his illness. All the while I was communicating with my friends and a lot of prayers were going out.

His illness was receiving a lot of attention but they couldn’t find out what was the matter with him. Then I learned that he had recently been on his job, working on a piece of equipment in a walk-in freezer. That is where they hung goats and lambs and the freezer had a lot of the animal blood on the floor. My husband and the crew had to move it around so they could work there. My husband had gone back several times to fix that freezer equipment and I started thinking, his illness must have something to do with that job. Then I remembered that one of my friends had a nephew with a goat farm in Alabama. I called my friend right away and to my everlasting thanks, she called her nephew and learned about an infection called Q fever. It is a serious bacterial infection with symptoms that can range from mild to severe and it can possibly be deadly if not treated. These bacteria naturally infect some animals, such as goats, sheep, and cows.

My friend researched this further and urged me to look this up online. When I did, I saw all the symptoms that my husband had, so I printed everything out, called the doctor immediately and told them that I would be bringing this information in, but they didn’t know what the heck I was talking about, because in our area they don’t usually test for things like that.

They eventually discharged my husband but he was still terribly sick. The doctors determined that if they continued to give them antibiotics, the illness would take care of itself, but it didn’t. My husband continued to be very sick and weak.

After two weeks, the doctors confirmed that he did have Q Fever and Anaplasmosis. He was already on antibiotics and discharged from the hospital when three days later, we got a call from the infection control department. We were told that he needed to be put on another strong round of antibiotics and shortly after, he began to recover from his deep illness.

Thank God for answered prayers, remembering something about a nephew with a goat farm, my friend that contacted him and the many doctors that used the information and skills to heal my husband.

Prayers were all we had and a team was brought together to create a miraculous healing. 
Thank you,

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