Bringing it All Together Before the Baby Arrives!

Bringing it All Together Before the Baby Arrives!

Have you ever been completely overwhelmed, trying to bring a lot of important, loose ends under control? Here’s an inspiring story that illustrates how manifesting can simply and powerfully create amazing results!

S. writes:
My mom and I are aware of how our thoughts can manifest outcomes and together we recently supported each other while creating some very big outcomes. I was simply visualizing what I desired, kept the details broad and simple without too much detail. It was natural to have doubts, but I kept them to a minimum and continued to focus and work toward my goals.

Mom was a big part with her ideas and support. We’ve both realized how manifesting has made an enormous difference in our lives, and for me, it’s changed my family’s entire life, and my mom’s in the last year. Here’s what happened.

I found out I was pregnant in November of 2017 and my husband K. and I were stuck (so we thought) in Massachusetts, 2000 miles away from home and from my Mom, who desperately wanted to guide me through my pregnancy and my baby’s first few months. K. and I had moved to the East coast a few years before and we were struggling to see our way back to Colorado even before I got pregnant, but that put us on a pretty short timeline!

Keith frantically applied for jobs, hoping something would come up, while I did my best to remain relaxed and focused instead on what I wanted my baby’s future to look like. I was manifesting our future every day.

Massachusetts is great, but there’s no place like home to raise a baby! I began to imagine our house in Colorado: living close enough to drive to my Mom’s house for Sunday dinners and hectic Thanksgiving mornings, cozy and big enough for a growing family, somewhere we could see ourselves for decades to come. I imagined K’s fancy new job where he could really shine! I spent hours thinking about all the places I wanted to bring my child to: The Sand Dunes, Mesa Verde, Castlewood Canyon — all places that would be so much harder to visit from Massachusetts!

Everything was so uncertain; I was blessed with a relatively easy pregnancy, but as time went on and things got more and more difficult for me to do. We started getting pretty nervous about how we’d get back before this baby came out! Finally, K. heard back from his (future) employer about a job he never even applied for! He was given an offer without even an in-person interview, and just in time!

It was the end of March, halfway through my pregnancy, and we still had to get a new car for the cross-country trip, get our house ready to put on the market, sell our house and find a new place to live when we arrived in Colorado, as well as have a baby, whose sex we didn’t even know! It was almost too much, but something within me trusted that everything would be okay, that everything would work out. Not exactly how I expected, of course! But those little details didn’t bother me at all, I had way bigger fish to fry!

A little over a year ago, on May 1st, about two months before my son was born, we arrived on my mom’s doorstep, awaiting our new adventure. We did it!! A couple of weeks after that, we found our new house. It was 15 minutes away from my mom, 4 bedrooms for our budding new family and we got the keys on July 1st, the day after my son was born, in the very same hospital I volunteered at in high school!

It really seemed like everything came together perfectly, and as stressful as it was, it seems now like there was no other way it could have happened. It wasn’t an easy ride, and there were definitely days I cried and worried, thinking there was no way it would work out, but trusting in the process is what got Keith, Max and I here safely and happily, and it has never let us down!

Thank you so much, again, for all your help and we look forward to seeing where our manifesting will bring us in the future!


Go to the Interviews Page to see and hear Ken talking about Manifesting 123 and you don’t need #3. There is new information here and you won’t hear it anywhere else. It is so simple. Make it work for you!

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Photo credits: left, unknown and
Manifesting 123 on Pinterest

Ken Elliott

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