Choosing Life and Letting Cancer Go (Doggie Alert!)

Choosing Life and Letting Cancer Go (Doggie Alert!)

Catherine writes:
I became aware of manifesting as a concept when I was 21. As an elementary school teacher, I taught my kids to visualize and they were good at it.

After many years, I stopped the practice and decades later simply forgot about it. I had a good life and I took care of myself by eating organic foods, getting plenty of exercise and eliminating chemicals in my home. So it was a surprise in August 2016 when I became seriously ill and was immediately put into medical care.

Hearing the news, a good friend sent me the book Manifesting 1,2,3. It was a very lovely gesture but for whatever the reason I just put it aside. I had a lot to think about because I was diagnosed with stage 4 uterine cancer.

Chemotherapy treatments were quickly started to stop this illness, raising real concerns with my friends. To put it simply, there is the treatable version of uterine cancer and then there is the bad one. I really didn’t know which one I had because I didn’t want to be influenced by the information. One of my friends did look it up and then she put me on every prayer circle she could find because the news was not good.

It was time to have that talk with God and one day when I was sitting quietly in that purpose, a question came to me, “Do you want to live?”  It was a voice of some authority and I was ready with an answer. It never occurred to me I wouldn’t make it through the disease and that question reaffirmed my decision to live and be of service to others.

The chemo regimens are rough but I embraced the process and the wonderful, nurturing medical staff working in their place of love and friendship. Their example nudged me into visualizing myself as healthier and surrounded in love that way.

I remembered the Manifesting 123 book again and recalled that the author was not a psychologist but an artist and that appealed to me. Once I began to read it, I was clearly led to define what I desired in my life and what I would exclude.

I had been taking care of my elderly and diabetic mother for 10 years and I had lost myself in her care. I really didn’t have a life. It was all given over to my mother and I was without any other reason to exist. I hit a wall and three years ago my sister moved in with us to help with our mother’s care.

The book brought me back to a better mindset. I can now see myself in the world caring for my mother in a different way as well as living my own purpose, to inspire and help other people. Now I was visualizing my life in broad strokes without micro managing. I was creating a beautiful future and allowing even more than I could imagine.

After my second CT Scan, my doctor determined the chemo treatments had worked well enough that I was ready for the hysterectomy I should have had four months earlier.  By now, I was on a number of prayer groups, thanks to my dear friends and I was using the manifesting techniques I had learned daily.

I was in a pretty good place with all of this and enjoying a moment with my dog Sally, in my lap. As I held her, very strong feelings of love came over me for her and it filled me with hope!

I felt more love come to me from behind my right shoulder, washing over me and going right into me. Then I heard a voice that said, ”And this is how you are loved.” I was overwhelmed by the power of it.

October came and with it, the evening before my hysterectomy. The surgery was necessary but happily, it provided my doctor the opportunity to visually see how my chemotherapy was doing.

That evening one of the hospital chaplains with whom I had become friends came in and we continued our good conversations. I also got a call from another pastor in Kansas City who was the leader of a prayer group there. A second chaplain friend was also in the hospital room that night and felt the presence of a very good spirit in the room.  I felt as though I had been visited by three angels that night, and consequently had no fear about the outcome.

Early the next morning I went into surgery and when I came out the doctor had some information for me. The hysterectomy went well and then came the pause… She told me that when she examined the cancerous area everything was clean. There was no visible sign of cancer!

It was just last Monday I went back for a follow up CT scan. There was no evidence of cancer!

There is a wonderful tradition in that hospital. When someone is cleared of cancer they have a way of letting everyone on the floor know about it. They have a brass ships bell attached to the wall. Surrounded by all the nurses cheering me on, I was instructed to ring the bell and make sure that everyone heard it. That bell provides the sound of hope.

I am so grateful for those prayers and for the book. We can create miracles.
Pass it on…


There are over 200 stories on the Manifesting 123 website. Other readers are writing in with their very encouraging success stories, all searchable by keywords. Get the book, learn what they are doing, then get going! Once you know how manifesting actually works, it’s not likely you will let it go!

Go to the Interviews page to see and hear Ken talking about Manifesting 123. There is new information here and you won’t hear it anywhere else. It is so simple. Make it work for you!

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Photo credit: Alex Blackwell

Ken Elliott

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