Listen to the Doctor:   Manifesting Two Cures!

Listen to the Doctor: Manifesting Two Cures!

Dr. U. writes:
I have been reading/ listening to a lot of the law of attraction videos, and as such, I stumbled onto one of yours. Your methods sounded easier than most of the others so I got your e-book and was simply fascinated. I have been using what I’ve learned in the book for the last three months.

So here are just two things that I manifested after using what I learned in Manifesting 123.

I had Double Vision and it is just what it says. You see double images and it’s so darn uncomfortable. You can’t clearly see anything… the TV, people’s faces, etc. Fortunately for me, it only affected my distant vision, so reading and writing were OK. It had been afflicting me for almost two years! Doctors promised a spontaneous healing but nothing was working. I’m a doctor myself, read all about this and remained hopeful, but the bottom line was that I had to learn to live with it.

Once I got your audio book and learned how our thoughts actually create, I made a plan. As the book explains, I went into my future everyday and saw myself with perfect sight and vision. I didn’t know how this would happen, but I stayed with it. Shortly after, I read about glasses with a special prism to help with double vision, so I went to the Ophthalmologist and enquired about it. He was not very encouraging, saying that it may or may not work, but I insisted and got the glasses.

It was a miracle! After almost two years, I could see everything crystal clear! I am incredibly grateful for this. Now I am manifesting a future where I have perfect sight without any glasses and I’m sure that’s happening.

I also had what’s called Melasma, which is a blotch on the skin. It formed a butterfly-shaped pigmentation on my face, across the nose and down to my cheeks. I have had it for 20 years and I knew there was no treatment for it. Masking it a bit was possible but exposure to the sun would cause it to flare up again. I had tried many treatments with various lightening ointments and tablets but nothing worked. To protect that area I had learned to dab on layers and layers of sunscreen and expertly use a concealer makeup to hide the sunscreen I needed.

I decided to manifest a cure. Each day I envisioned my future and saw myself with a crystal clear, smooth complexion, adding that I was so grateful.  I did this for about 3 months and then met a doctor friend who prescribed a cream that had been producing good results.   I thought to myself, ‘What the heck, I’ll try it, bring it on,” and Ken, believe it or not, it’s just been 2 weeks, and the ‘Melasma’ has disappeared!  The smooth, clear complexion I saw in my future is now MINE. I cannot tell you how grateful I am to the Universe and to you Ken, so THANK YOU!

I have other stuff in my bucket list, and with these two problems turning around so quickly, my faith and confidence have reached unimaginable heights. We underestimate our power we have to create and the importance of gratitude in our lives. I am having a blast going into my future, making and living in my movie.

The book is incredible, very simple and effective, so thank you once again. I’m so happy that I’m saving so much on makeup and concealers …just kidding, but I am grateful for these big changes and so happy that I can see clearly and recognize people now.

How amazing! She didn’t limit how these cures could happen.
She just imagined the future where her problems were already solved. These were long-standing problems that were efficiently solved by her manifesting daily and the addition of gratitude.

I appreciate the thanks and I commend you for doing the work. Thank you for sharing your inspiring stories and showing us what is possible!


There are over 200 stories on the Manifesting 123 website. Other readers are writing in with their very encouraging success stories, all searchable by keywords. Get the book, learn what they are doing, then get going! Once you know how manifesting actually works, it’s not likely you will let it go!

Go to the Interviews page to see and hear Ken talking about Manifesting 123. There is new information here and you won’t hear it anywhere else. It is so simple. Make it work for you!

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Please email it in and if it is used for this newsletter I’ll send you a free, signed copy of the book as a thank you.

Ken Elliott

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