Cooking Up a Quick Solution

Cooking Up a Quick Solution

This is a story from some years back. I had gone on a long trip that turned out to be way more expensive than I anticipated. I arrived home on a Sunday morning with only $1.35 to my name and an empty kitchen. I had cleaned it out before I left and it really looked bare on my return.
I was expecting a payment for some recent work but in the meantime I had nothing to eat. I could have called my ex-boyfriend but didn’t want to re-involve myself with him or be indebted in any way. I could have also called one of several friends but my Leo pride wasn’t crazy about that.

So I went to work on the problem. I laid down with the intention that the Universe could help me “cook up” something. Within a few minutes I remembered that I had been invited to a community potluck from an organic gardening group scheduled for that afternoon. I did not have an organic garden but had helped out on someone else’s and thus was put on the invite list.

The only problem was that they asked you bring either a dish of food to share or give a donation of $8. I had neither, but for some reason I thought to check their Facebook page again. I saw that the organizer was asking if anyone could come an hour early to help set up the event. This of course would be in lieu of needing to bring food or money.

I had just enough time to get there, so I was out the door quickly. On my arrival I helped set up tables, chairs and decoration, an easy and fun task. Shortly after the people started coming with massive amounts of food to share. There were about 6 tables filled with an amazing variety of healthy and delicious dishes.

Not only did I eat till I was stuffed but there was so much food leftover that they insisted I take home a container with enough for 2 more meals! I felt really grateful and this totally renewed my faith that the Universe is abundant and generous.

This appears to be a simple story with a nice ending but at its core, an idea was engaged, an intention was created.

This simple procedure creates miracles, your miracles.

In this story, a solution was quickly found with her rested mind or perhaps the information she needed miraculously emerged. This is what our thoughts can do. In this book, for the first time, you will learn how your thoughts literally become form and how to simply put this profound discovery to work for you.

This is another of Karen’s stories that have appeared in this newsletter and I happily thank you again for your encouraging words.

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Photo credit: Walsworth,
and from Manifesting 123 on Pinterest

Ken Elliott

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