What Is Possible? Question From a Reader

What Is Possible? Question From a Reader

Dear Mr. Elliott,
I read your book and love it so much! Thank you for this masterpiece. When I think about this thought power stuff, would you say, for example, being a famous actor/singer or entrepreneur that makes millions in a year is just as easily possible as being poor and homeless? Would being single be just as possible as dating 5 women / men at the same time, if one wants to, of course?

This question may sound naive or even silly from a worldly point of view, but I think your answer to this with your background would really help me to understand the science behind it even more. In our manifesting movies you can put in every possible scenario and it is always easy, right? Would be very nice If you could answer this. Thanks and best wishes from Austria!

My reply:
Thank you for writing.
To answer your question, there may be two things to first consider: your destiny here and all that you can manifest. 
It may be that you are destined to be poor or rich, famous or unknown, in loving relationships or not. You may remain in that state or only experience it for a time.

Regarding destiny, I subscribe to the idea that you have a life plan with major things you will do and experience, along with certain skills and aptitudes. You would also encounter a series of lessons in that plan and the opportunity to learn and carry out what you came here to do.

Keep in mind that there are equivalents of rich and poor, etc. I could be that you might experience all of the things you mentioned without actually living them. In your life or career you may come into close contact with wealth or poverty and you gain considerable experience that way.

Suppose you wanted to be an astronaut. You can certainly manifest that idea. It is very likely that instead of being the astronaut, you will come in close contact with the experience of being one. You may become friends with someone in the space program or find yourself immersed a newly released, 72-hour documentary about all things related to being an astronaut. It would be the equivalent of that physical experience. Supposing your destiny is not to be a career astronaut along with the years of training that takes, your life plan has you on the ground instead, within your soul’s design. It doesn’t preclude your ‘being’ an astronaut for a time though.

I like the idea of manifesting at least two important things as a priority. I would offer perfect health and second, the idea of doing what we are here to do. Once those are covered, create a number of scenes in your movie… go big! Two things will surely happen. We will literally create the results we specify or we will encounter the equivalent of that idea.

If being famous sounds interesting, then put it into your manifesting scenario. It may come to pass in some small or large way. You may experience celebrity by following it in the media or directly as a friend or associate. Perhaps you are not comfortable being on the stage, so to speak, but you prefer the proximity of fame. A nice possibility. Perhaps after seeing fame up close or giving it a try, you decide celebrity is not for you, thank you very much, and you no longer feel that desire.

Here are questions back to you:
With your current skills or accomplishments, how can you be made famous?
How will you have that wonderful relationship you seek?

As we are manifesting things and concepts, many discover they are becoming more suited to the outcomes they desire. People realize they are changing and growing. Perhaps they are less inclined to fame unless it beings meaning into their lives.

For those manifesting relationships, many observe they are becoming more loving, open and patient. Also, some of their unattractive traits fall away – they become more desirable. Like attracts like and they are becoming a better match for the partner they desire.

My wish for you is that you are healthy, you are fulfilled because you are doing your heart’s desire – what you are here to do, you are well-thought of and admired, you love and are loved (even as a single person), living comfortably, balanced and happy without financial concerns. 

Should you find yourself in the place outlined above, you would possess much – great happiness, fulfillment and love. It may be that you are only famous to your many good friends and that your heart is full. There are numerous ways to attain the goals we seek, Something like fame may come with serious limits, but if you so wish, ask it to come wth an ease and a grace.

Be good to yourself. Point yourself to Happiness!

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Photo credit: upper left: Support Possibilities

Ken Elliott

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