Get Help Fast, Manifest It!

Get Help Fast, Manifest It!

I was in front of my mirror, about to put on cosmetics and preparing myself for a very important business meeting. It was the first item of the day and I was pretty nervous about how this one would proceed.

This anxiety had to go. Then it dawned on me, I can be proactive about this. I’m very familiar with Manifesting 123. I use it daily and have recommended it to many of my friends. Heck, I’m pretty expert at this and I’m very familiar with the amazing stories in the weekly M123 newsletter.

I’ve been steady in my manifesting practices, but what I am manifesting is more future-focused. I needed help with the worries Immediately.  From the newsletter stories I know that manifesting can happen really fast at times, so why not go for it?

I said to myself, “I am living my future life now and this meeting will be great!”

Right away, I started to dropping things on the counter and floor. Even the styling brush for my hair was not working properly! I laughed as I thought to myself, “Who needs this type of future?” I wasn’t a picture of confidence after the makeup bumbles, but off to the meeting I went.

Our business must confirm to County and State requirements, sometimes a complicated process, but one we have to get exactly right. As it turned out, the meeting was very valuable and successful. My questions were answered, complications were diminished and I came away with ideas that would work for us.

So in summary, I got my result: a successful day for which I am most grateful.


Manifesting is often about the future and the future can be now.

Here is what makes this book different. You learn how your thoughts begin to instantly create what you think. My very gifted friends can watch the formation of your thoughts in real time!

So let’s be smart. You thoughts can manifest anything so use one of the best manifesting techniques and imagine your future where what you require has already happened.

You don’t have to be a genius, but you can act like one. Use manifesting to create your perfect future!

As you think it, your thoughts literally build it. Perhaps in Terri’s case, she had been building an ideal business for some time and this favorable meeting is a part of that happy plan. It could also be that her earnest and grateful thought before the meeting was all that was necessary for an instant result. Perhaps this meeting was simple, with few “moving parts,’” so to speak, and just a bit of manifesting could make a difference quickly.

Just know that when you begin to think it, changes begin.

Interesting to puzzle over the clumsy time when she was getting ready, but I like how it struck her as funny. Did you notice that after she put the favorable meeting intention out, she went from nervousness to laughter?

Here’s another observation. It was almost casual in the way she used a manifesting tool to lessen her anxiety and fashion a favorable outcome. It was as if she said, “I have a problem so I’ll just put manifesting on it.”  She used an efficient and powerful tool, one that we should think of more often.

Start putting Manifesting 123 to work for you now and into your future!




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This newsletter is published twice a month, on the 1st and 3rd Fridays. Your wonderful manifesting stories continue to come in, and thank you for those. Do you have a story? Please email it in and if it is used for this newsletter, I’ll send you a free, signed copy of the book as a thank you.


Ken Elliott

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