Going for What Seems Impossible

Going for What Seems Impossible

couple in  front of one-family house in modern residential area

Going for What Seems Impossible

When it comes to manifesting and the Law of Attraction, I have a long history and a lot of practice with it. In the beginning, I struggled with the concept of believing that you already have what it is you seek in order to attract it. I started with the easy things, such as good parking spaces and a little extra money here and there.

My biggest and most successful manifestation to date was getting out of my military contract early. You see, I was enlisted into the United States Air Force, which is how I met my soulmate. That’s a whole different story in and of itself, but let’s just say synchronicity abounds; the stars were definitely aligning to bring he and I together. However, just ten short months after we met, we were separated geographically for almost three years straight. We tried to be stationed together but the Air Force and Navy just weren’t going to do that for us. Therefore, with the help of Divine Grace, I got to work manifesting.

I repeatedly pictured myself in the First Sergeant’s office being told I was officially free to go and then moving away from Nebraska to be with my husband in Virginia. Sometimes, I would get so into it that tears of joy would stream down my face in gratitude for my freedom.

Then of course, I took appropriate steps to get the ball rolling. The entire process took 8 months, but considering we’re talking getting out of a military contract early, the fact that it even happened is miraculous. In case you’re wondering, it was the First Sergeant who gave me the good news… in his office.

After moving to Virginia and living the dream with my husband, I had some time to settle into my new-found freedom and begin practicing the art of manifestation in order to build my dreams. This got a little easier when I attended the Children of Light conference over the summer solstice in 2013 and saw Ken speak on his methods with his book “Manifesting 1-2-3.”  They way Ken articulated his understanding and methods were so crystal clear and inspiring that I was completely and totally re-motivated to take total control of my life, with the help of the Universe, of course.

Since coming back home from the conference, I have participated in manifesting myriad pleasing situations and things in my life, including a wonderful cat, dog and a guitar that I call Lola. My greatest manifestations since then have been my husband and our buying the most beautiful house we found with zero serious complications in less than a month, getting accepted into my university of choice to study for my dream career, and being offered a job at one of my absolute favorite places. It just gets better and better.

No matter what happens though, I know that I have the freedom and the choice to keep reaching higher and higher. We are children of God – of the creative unseen forces of the Universe – and we co-create our realities. It is called the Law of Attraction, because it is just as solid as the Laws of Physics. The Universe conspires to give you what you ask for, so that leaves me with the final piece of advice. It is as simple as this old adage: Be careful what you wish for – you just might get it! Although, I think we know well enough now to say that you will get it: with a good deal of persistence, a cup of positivity, a heaping scoop of gratitude and a dash of faith. Best of luck building your dreams!

B. D.


Manifesting and the Law of Attraction

That’s a wow and congratulations! What a great example to try against the so-called odds…and not with just one item, but an entire list. B.D’s biggest asset was to simply ask. She manifested the result in her mind first and had the patience and perseverance to see it through.

By whatever name you call it, The Law of Attraction or Manifesting, works.

Here’s a tip. The Law of Attraction is a law, yes. But at the core of it is the original thought, the original manifestation. Imagine that you want to attract moths. Use the Law of Attraction and you will eventually find them. Want the better method? Manifest a light – turn on a flashlight. The moths will come to you in droves. At the core of attraction is the first thought, the first idea. The Law of Attraction is a side effect of Manifesting. It is the Law too. Get it to work for you.

Bring your desires to you like moths to a flame!


Ken Elliott

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