I Received the Greater Gift

I Received the Greater Gift

I recently hit a rough spot financially and my worries were really kicking in. Years ago, as a young mother of two, my existence was week to week and paying the bills was a constant worry. I had to constantly watch even the smallest purchases. That was years ago and I have been very fortunate until lately.

The money worries were back, pulling on me constantly. How was I going to meet my obligations going forward? I am now a homeowner, so I am thinking longer term, from year to year and the numbers are larger.

I had a feeling that something would happen. I was thinking wouldn’t it be nice if some money came in. I remember thinking that there would be a check coming in and I said, “Thank you,” in advance. That was it.

Later that afternoon I got a call from my brother. Surprisingly, our family lawyer had been contacted by an organization that was holding a very old deposit from my deceased grandmother.  The amount of money on deposit wasn’t known, but my siblings and I were instructed to sign documents and release the funds to us.

As you can imagine, had some fantasies about what that dollar amount could be. Now I between worrying about my lack of money or thinking about how much could be coming in. Things were happening quickly and I was a jumble of thoughts.

My goal was to manifest a solution to my financial problems in the long term and to lessen my concerns about money. I began to do some focused manifesting and a did some asking with prayers from time to time.

Once the paperwork was submitted, I waited to hear back from the lawyer. In the two-week interim I thought about how quickly my asking and manifesting had produced a response and I was thankful. Something shifted inside me and my worries began to be reduced. I was being filled with a greater gratitude for all that I have.

Finally, the answer came back from the lawyer and I was informed that $400 was being mailed to me. I smiled.

As it turns out, this episode was a rich one for me. My worries were greatly diminished. A decades-old deposit was quickly directed to me and I gained wisdom and peace along with the way. What are the odds of that? But there was more.

It was like I got a friendly tap on the shoulder saying, “It’s OK. Here’s something for now and we are working on the bigger things. It will take a little more time but it will be delivered to you.”

I can’t explain how it happened, but I love this new calm and happiness. Also I can see how the financial concerns will now work out to my benefit. Now I have the calm and patience to see it through. My life is one of service and now that I have less personal concerns, I am more available and valuable to others.

How interesting that this new tranquility came in advance of the full financial solution, but am very happy with that. This is not what I planned or expected, it’s much more valuable.

I will keep asking and manifesting, something I didn’t do enough of before, but much has changed now. I am grateful to feel more in charge of my life and for my many blessings.


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Photo credit top: unknown

Ken Elliott

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