I Struggled Terribly Until I Received the Gift of Manifesting 123

I Struggled Terribly Until I Received the Gift of Manifesting 123

Last year, I learned some strategies on how to listen to my body, to be better in tune with what it’s trying to say. I was let to seek medical treatment sooner, leave situations that are bad for me, and lose weight by recognizing when to stop eating after I am full.

This revelation alone was amazing and after a total hysterectomy about 6 months ago I felt like things were really falling into place for me. My body had told me I was sick, I listened, and sought the medical treatment I knew would undoubtedly change things for the better. I felt like I was on the right path in life and finally becoming the woman I had been trying to be for so many years.

Then the big shock – my husband left me on December 1st while I was at work and my son was at school. No warning, no apology, he simply packed his belongings and never looked back.

Understandably, this was a devastating blow to my tentative transformation and I felt a bit lost. Some part of my identity was strongly tied to being his wife and partner and I felt like I was drowning in many ways – financially and emotionally. I had finally discovered something wonderful about myself and now I didn’t know how I was going to continue.

As I struggled along picking up the pieces of my life, a caring friend sent me Manifesting 123 as a Christmas gift. She said she’d heard my spirit crying out for help and thought this would be just the thing to help me create a better life for myself. I had some basic knowledge of manifesting but hadn’t been actively putting it into practice, especially with everything going on.

As I started to read your book I was thinking to myself, “Yes! This is it! Manifesting is totally possible, and I’m going to make sure good things happen for me.” Basically, I had come to a crossroads where I knew I needed something better but didn’t know how to make it happen.

I tossed the idea of manifesting around in my head for a few days while I read your book and then sat down and made a list of things I wanted to see happen in my life for the new year: 

Healthy relationships


My own transportation (I’d been taking the bus)


Making more money

Better health

Those were some of the basic things just to get me started. I was hesitant but determined, that’s for sure. I felt like I didn’t have anything else to lose, so why not give it a shot? Your book makes everything seem easy and it showed me that I had been overthinking the whole process for quite some time.

I wrote my list shortly after Christmas and then on December 30th, I received an email from my son’s grandmother, someone who hadn’t been in our lives for two years. We’d had a falling out after Christmas 2013 and I hadn’t spoken to her since. It seems she’d been looking for us that whole time, wanting to apologize for the situation and trying to make amends. My son is her only grandchild, and she and I had had a fairly good relationship before. So I started a conversation with her, feeling out where she wanted to go with everything and we forged a friendship once again. I was amazed and impressed at how smoothly this was resolved.

My son was not doing well in school though, especially after my husband left. I was wanting to change schools to something better, maybe something smaller and less of a big city school, as he wasn’t faring too well. Just when I thought I was going to explode under the pressure, his grandmother asked us to come back to Minnesota so she could be with us again. We could live in her house rent-free, she would give us a vehicle to use. We could have the time and financial space  to heal and recover. I wanted to take some time to think about it, to make plans over time but my son saw the light at the end of the tunnel and wanted to leave immediately. That was my answer apparently, so we took her up on the offer. We travelled to Minnesota from Colorado on January 18th.

About a week before we left however, tables turned on a friendship I had with a male co-worker. We’d been friends for a couple of months, and all of a sudden it became crystal clear that we were both madly in love with each other. The ‘click’ was very strong and the love was instantaneous!  Neither one of us had been looking for a partner but it just ended up happening in a mad, chaotic way that happened to have incredibly poor timing. We’re currently making plans to be together by August.

So that was three things off my list. I’d found love in an unusual place when I wasn’t looking; I had my own transportation and the freedom to now go where I wanted without restriction and I’d formed a healthy relationship with my son’s grandmother again. All within a month! I was much impressed, but obviously not ready to stop manifesting more. 

This is working and big things are happening!

There is even more!

Next week Mary’s story will continue. She has manifested so many good things in her life recently it’s just too much to fit into one newsletter. You have to love what she has accomplished and in such a short time!


Here is Part II


Send in your manifesting story and if it is used for this newsletter you will receive a free, signed copy of the book as a thank you.

Ken Elliott

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