Concept image of a Future Past & Present signpost against a blue cloudy sky

Part 2: I Struggled Terribly Until I Received the Gift of Manifesting 123

From last week:
Mary was encountering some big problems and now amazing results are coming in fast after a friend gave her a copy of Manifesting 123 and you don’t need #3.
Part one of this story

Excerpt from part one:
As I started to read your book I was thinking to myself, “Yes! This is it! Manifesting is totally possible, and I’m going to make sure good things happen for me.” Basically, I had come to a crossroads where I knew I needed something better but didn’t know how to make it happen.

I tossed the idea of manifesting around in my head for a few days while I read your book and then sat down and made a list of things I wanted to see happen in my life for the new year: 

Healthy relationships
My own transportation (I’d been taking the bus)
Making more money
Better health

Part 2, the rest of Mary’s story:

When I got to Minnesota I was without a job of course, but determined to start work as soon as possible. My son’s grandmother found me part-time work at a store in my new, very small town and It was very helpful to get me settled in. Soon after, I ended up accepting a position in Fargo, about 40 miles away and making more money than I’ve made previously.

Amazingly, that is four things off my manifesting list in less than 2 months!
Love – check
Transportation – check
Health relationships – check
More money – check

I’m still working on the health and being able to play music again (I’m classically trained on French horn) but I have no doubt those will be coming in the future, too. My son is in a small school and performing wonderfully; he no longer cries before school (or during school) and is making a lot of friends through swimming at the community center in town. His depression has lessened quite a bit and he now has opportunities he never had available to him before.

I was telling my new love last night that manifesting for me, has a ‘tell,’ a sign that things are happening in my life. Because I’m so in tune with my body through practice, I actually vibrate when things are being manifested on the other side. It’s like my whole spirit and being is one with the universe and I can feel the shift of my thoughts turning real. It’s hard to explain, but that’s the best I can do. I feel tingly from head to toe, and have a feeling of peace and excitement. This tells me I’m doing something right, and lets me know to expect something awesome in the coming weeks or months.

I no longer wake up dreading the day, and feel very focused, determined and driven. 

My husband leaving us was exactly what I needed and instead of lamenting what was lost, I was able to celebrate the future and all of its infinite possibilities. I actually wrote an open letter to him the other day online, thanking him for leaving. It helped me leave the person I was and fully step into the beautiful, fabulous woman I am today. It is kind of like shedding skin or even leaving the cocoon, I guess you could say.

I feel better about myself and my life now than I ever have in my 34 years on this earth. 

So, thank you. Thank you for helping me realize that my full potential was out there, I just needed to go for it.

Thank you for making the steps for manifesting so incredibly easy! It’s all about positive intention and I’ve decided that I’ll no longer allow for negativity in my life. There’s no room at the inn for my old Negative Nelly now!

A caring person passed on the book Manifesting 123 and lives were changed!
What an impressive story. As Mary says, the book explains how thoughts actually work in real time, creating the world you desire. It is so incredibly easy and we we can both assure you that no special skills are required. Don’t wait another moment to point yourself to happiness!

Send in your manifesting story and if it is used for this newsletter you will receive a free, signed copy of the book as a thank you.

Ken Elliott

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