Money for the Asking II:  Ron and Michael

Money for the Asking II: Ron and Michael

Aloha Ron writes:

I recently attended a seminar at Ken’s house and he gifted me with a copy of Manifesting 123. I decided to begin reading it while on the short flight back home. I was familiar with the process, but this book made manifesting very simple and easy to understand. I got about halfway through and decided to implement the teachings.

When I got home, I retrieved my mail and opened one envelope to find a gift card waiting for me for $50.00! Wow this is cool. Did I get a quick result? Who knows? I decided to continue my manifesting for a second day.

Today two more $50.00 rebate cards came in the mail! This was a totally unexpected windfall after only two days. It was all so very simple.

I liked the explanation of how our thoughts build what we think. Knowing how the process works is so helpful. This is not magic or whimsy, I have the practical knowledge of how manifesting works and I am using what I learned to build with my thoughts.

Thank you Ken, you made a believer out of me. Bless your heart.

Aloha Ron

p.s.:  Dear Universe….More Please!


And here is More…

Back in February of this year, a reader described how he had started using what he read in Manifesting 123 with surprising results. Within the first week of not really trying “to hard” he received an unexpected check in the mail of over $270.00 for a “loan refund.” It came from a loan company that had since left his city.

Michael stated that he hadn’t received unexpected money in three years, but his February story was a continuous stream of ‘finding the money’ stories and most of it on the street!

Since that time, Michael has continued to find money just laying around on a number of times a month… almost weekly. His continued success is far too much to cover here, but it bears pointing out that the results for both men began immediately after using the information in the book to manifest money. Michael’s February 2015 story

I have urged them both to continue manifesting (you bet they will) and to manifest other things they desire in their lives. Each man is getting a clear signal that what they learned and applied is working.

Getting unexpected money is just one of the many things we can create. Got any ideas?



Want more? (it’s a fun ride)  Purchase the book or e-book.

Testimonials and Amazon five-star reviews 

Go to the Interviews Page to see and hear Ken talking about Manifesting 123 and you don’t need #3. There is new information here and you won’t hear it anywhere else. It is so simple. Make it work for you!

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This newsletter is published twice a month, on the 1st and 3rd Fridays. Your wonderful manifesting stories continue to come in, and thank you for those. Do you have a story? Please email it in and if it is used for this newsletter, I’ll send you a free, signed copy of the book as a thank you.


Ken Elliott

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