My Husband is Not Going to Viet Nam

My Husband is Not Going to Viet Nam

A. writes:

I remember that you make a point of encouraging people to ask for things, not to hold back and that we are all worthy. You told me that you put all kinds of stories in your newsletter that encourage people to ask, pray or purposely manifest a result. This is certainly one of those stories.

It was during the Viet Nam war and my husband got some serious news, he was being drafted into the Army. Hundreds of things go through your mind, most of them unpleasant and worrisome.

At the core of it, if he went to Viet Nam we would be separated for a very long time and he would likely be in danger there.

When tough things like this come up many of us begin asking for help. I was praying with a real purpose and something more. I was specifically asking that he would not be sent to Viet Nam and would be posted to Germany where I could be with him. I had a plan and stayed with it. I was determined that we would both live comfortably in Germany during his military service.

Here’s how it played out.

He was sworn into the Army, had his basic training and next he was standing in a line waiting to see where his orders would send him. As he moved up, the men in front of him were being assigned to Viet Nam. The line continued to move and the person in front of him received his orders: Viet Nam, the common destination for new draftees at the time.

My husband was next, they gave him his paperwork and said, “You’re going to Germany.” Can you imagine the relief he felt at that moment? When he left the line and turned back, the person behind him was ordered to report to Viet Nam.

I was ecstatic when he told me the news! There was a problem though. I would not be able to go since we were told that housing for me was definitely unavailable. I gave it some thought and took action in two ways. I said a prayer that it would all be taken care of and bought a ticket to Germany anyway so I could be with my husband.

This was not something I was supposed to do and I was out on a limb going overseas to a strange country where the the financial risk to us would be big.

I got to Germany without a place to stay and no plan B but miraculously, a place for me was suddenly available. It is very likely that if I was not in Germany this opportunity would have passed me by. All worked out nicely there, thank goodness. Once I heard about Manifesting 123 and after our conversation the other day, I will continue asking in prayer and I will certainly be using those manifesting techniques as well. I have big plans and there will be a new residence in some interesting, far away place ahead!

This is a story from long ago with the classic “Planting the Flag” Idea.

We can all ask and manifest in numerous ways. I like praying and manifesting. It’s like what the old-school Louisiana man said, “I’m a belt and suspenders guy.”

This writer and her husband received a fabulous result and it makes me think that perhaps there is more at work here. When she bought the ticket to Germany a powerful intention was made. I call it Planting the Flag. She didn’t wait for something to unfold. She put some real equity into the idea of living there by buying a ticket and being prepared to physically find a solution once she arrived.

When you are planting the flag, you are putting an idea and intention into the future that has more strength. This idea can be as simple as saying that if it’s necessary to go back to school and get more training for that good job, or to buy that advertising to grow the business, then they will, should it come to that. This is a powerful intention, a promise of more effort in order to create a result. Should you come to one of those decision crossroads, ask away and work on manifesting the perfect solution. Don’t forget to also express your gratitude in advance.

Then go one step further by planting a “flag” in the future where you declare that if it becomes necessary, you will definitely sacrifice some time or money, etc. to make it happen. It’s amazing how many times planting the flag brings about the solution without resorting to the additional effort!

I wonder what new adventure A. is planning next?


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Photo credit: Donate to Buy Plane Tickets for Soldiers

Ken Elliott

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