My Life is Getting Better. I Am Ready and it Was For the Asking

My Life is Getting Better. I Am Ready and it Was For the Asking

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My Life is Getting Better. I Am Ready and it Was For the Asking

Katie writes:
It was 20 years ago that a significant book was published and one of my co-workers was very excited about it. He kept mentioning how wonderful it was. As a frequenter of thrift stores, book and metaphysical shops, I would often see new and used copies of this book, I always put off purchasing it because other topics were more enticing or prevalent to my needs, interests, or desires… or so I thought.

Ten years later, while working at a yoga studio in Palo Alto, CA, I connected with the book author’s daughter as she was launching her greeting card line. We spoke at length multiple times when I would place card orders from her. I still had not read that book.

Another ten (challenging) years go by. It is 2016 and I am living in Mount Shasta, California.  I now keep an eye out for the first book by this author. I have often seen the follow up Books 2 and 3 in the series but not Book I. Another friend offers 2 and 3 but he no longer has Book 1. This friend invites me to go with him and others to Ashland, Oregon to listen to this author speak. Making excuses, I put it off… next journey I will go, I say.

After 20 years, I recently reconnected with my former co-worker and now friend, who has since gone on to publish his own book, one of which he generously gifted me. Interestingly, over the last six weeks or so I have meet a number of other authors, receiving their books and garnered another invite to Ashland, Oregon. Recently, a flood of recommendations also came in from friends with favorite books and speakers. As it turns out, that first book my friend raved about 20 years ago was mentioned every time.

June 7th, 2016 – A new friend teaches me how online videos can be converted and stored on my computer, so I bank a variety of materials to listen to at home. I have no idea what some of the videos are since they are often renamed. The next day I press shuffle on my music player and I heard a motivational speaker talking with the author recommend so long ago. My jaw is on the floor… “Why did I not read this material 20 years ago? It was virtually handed to me and kept appearing in my life, yet I did not act on it.” It was important for me to hear this information!

Today is June 14th, 2016, I just left my therapist, having spoke of my recent procrastinations and those missed opportunities (including financial opportunities, etc.) I was walking down the main street where the local metaphysical bookstore has put out a rack of used books. I quickly and unceremoniously scan the books then I stop. I slow it down for a second look and purposefully read each title.

On the bottom rack is that book, Part I. Picking it up, I carefully hold it and for the first time ever, I open it. Then I turn it over and see the cost – used, and reasonable, maybe a little high considering the age, stains and highlights. Right now that is two meals. Two days, not necessarily in a row, of food. Hmmmmmm…

I am about to launch into my creative financing and inner haggling when a local friend, with whom I spoke with on Saturday about this author-speaker steps out of the coffee shop. He walks over to me and looks at the book and says “I will buy that for you. Everyone needs that book.” Wow!  Before I remember the lost opportunities just spoken of, before I can regret 20 years of procrastination for not buying the book, before I can justify NOT buying the book because I am healing and working at keeping steadily nourished, my friend steps in and says “Here, let me buy this for you.” Thank you, my friend.

This is a small series of happenings that illustrates the many synchronistic experiences, messages, abundance, timing and blessings I have received in my lifetime. I know I will rise out of this challenging time. I heard the message, stop procrastinating – Act on Your Guidance and Intuition. I AM ON THIS!

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! For all I have, all I receive, and all we are.

My friend who gifted me the book is Richard Montane aka Mountain Ghost.
The author of Book I is Neale Donald Walsch.
The book is Conversations with God, An Uncommon Dialogue.
My friend from 20 years ago is none other than Ken Elliott.

Conversations with God has brought me new insights and I am continuing to use what I have learned with Manifesting 123 and you don’t need #3. I have been manifesting change and the results are increasing in a profound and gentle way!

Thank you!


Have a manifesting story to share? Please email it in and if it is used for this newsletter I’ll send you a free, signed copy of the book as a thank you.



Ken Elliott


  1. Obviously I am meant to have found your site. There have been myriads of “things” that have happened to me, around me or I have involved myself in. These things or actions have assisted me in helping others as well as myself to grow in God’s light. The stories of my life I often share (verbally) with others to help give them hope, support and comfort. Now I guess it’s time for me to take some time to read and figure out me. Thanks for listening!

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