Prayer as Manifesting

Prayer as Manifesting

For most of my life I have deeply believed that prayers and manifesting are one and the same. This is something I practice and teach and it has proven to be successful for others and myself innumerable times.

I was born with a number of ailments that have affected me all my life. For the sake of humor, let me just say that I am a bit north of 40 years old. One of the problems I’ve been having has been the linkage between my digestive tract, esophagus and sinuses. Without proper functioning, these different parts of my body can connect in uncomfortable and painful ways. There are times when I have stomach acid in my throat and sinuses, causing considerable pain and discomfort.

Over the years I have prayed many times to manifest a solution or cure. It has clearly been shown to me that when I am praying, something is created and given to me, but to this point, even with a considerable amount of medical care and investigations, I have not been relieved of my illness.

All of that changed a few days ago when I decided to just surrender and accept that I would always have this affliction. This is not the first occasion I had resolved to a life of chronic illness, but for whatever the reason this time, a change came over me within hours.

I began to experience a deep hurt, it was more than an ache and it extended into my muscles and bones. This was something new to my experience; a frightening pain and I let my husband know about it. I felt that I was in real trouble. My dear husband stayed close to calm me. We were thinking of getting me to the hospital by ambulance since I would receive immediate medical when they arrived.

My alarming sensations continued with the addition of a shiver that was focused on my throat and carried down to my ribs. There was some pain and cramping involved, adding to my concerns and confusion.

Suddenly something began to occur in my sinuses. I was getting this huge blockage inside my head. When this happens I have a special bottle with essentially water and salt that allows me to get the liquid into my sinuses. I applied it but it didn’t have any effect – that was a surprise, so I took the unusual step of doing it a second time.

I will not be descriptive here but let me just say that with the increasing pressure in my sinuses and the second application, my head immediately began clearing in a major way, and fast. I was happy to be over the kitchen sink at the time. Oddly, this felt like progress, so I stayed with it, not panicking and putting off that ambulance.

What was going on with me? After the sinuses cleared, my trembling and pain diminished to a manageable level. I felt okay enough to just get into bed and attempt to get some sleep.

When I woke in the morning I had a profound sense of peace and healing coupled with a feeling of exhaustion. It was as if I had just finished running a marathon and I was tired, so tired.

As the day went on my energy and my joy increased. Early the next morning I sent this text out to my friends, “Praise God. I was delivered last night from my years of illness.”

I am so very, very grateful!
When I got Mary’s text, I called her immediately to hear more of her story. She graciously gave took the time and care so it would be ready for today’s newsletter…for you.

Mary wanted to get this story out as another way to praise and honor God and to also encourage us to just ask in whatever form is comfortable to us.

We are all Worthy.

Thank you Mary,
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Photo credit: John-Mark Smith, and Manifesting 123 on Pinterest

Ken Elliott

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