I Think I Can?  I Think I Can!

I Think I Can?  I Think I Can!

As Galileo said, “All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered.”

Once you discover the direct connection between your thoughts and creation, you will jump at the chance to begin!

C. writes:
I have been listening to Manifesting 1,2,3 and you don’t need #3 on Audible and it makes me think back to when I was a little kid. Of course there were times I really wanted some things to happen and this particular example stands out in my mind.

At the time, my parents had applied to a list for government housing. They had discussed how they hoped to get a freestanding house over the townhome style. I remember praying and praying (I was not quite a teen) day and night until they got what they wanted. I see this now as prayer and because of the way I visualized it, a manifestation.

Your book was a great help, describing how my thoughts are creating as I think them. I now understand the many other examples of this power in my life. I’ve always been a bit skeptical about manifesting and the law of attraction, but mostly due to the lack of an explanation of how manifesting actually works.

I didn’t realize manifesting was directly related to my thoughts. I always thought I was going to have to perform some magic trick, deep meditation, or trance style experience. I am listening, learning more and purposely making this work for me!!

There are over 200 stories on the Manifesting 123 website. Other readers are writing in with their very encouraging success stories, all searchable by keywords. Get the book, learn what they are doing, then get going! Once you know how manifesting actually works, it’s not likely you will let it go!

Go to the Interviews page to see and hear Ken talking about Manifesting 123. There is new information here and you won’t hear it anywhere else. It is so simple. Make it work for you!

Have a manifesting story to share?
Please email it in and if it is used for this newsletter I’ll send you a free, signed copy of the book as a thank you.

Ken Elliott

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