The Biggest Contract Ever!

The Biggest Contract Ever!

From Steven:

This was a big business contract with a European company. We were competing with other companies to get this deal and the pressure was immense. A 20 million dollar deal will attract a lot of attention.

I was heading up the group for my company that was tasked to get this contract signed. We submitted our first proposal in May 2013 and immediately I was on call all hours of the day, 7 days a week. My job responsibilities were all shifted to this contract.

It was a real roller coaster and took tremendous time, patience and management. We had client meetings in July and again in September of that year. This was an incredibly slow-moving process and the more it went on, the more concerns I had about failing to get this deal.

I met the author of Manifesting 123 on November 11 and he discussed the new concepts in the book. I got his book on CD and popped it in for the three-hour drive home with my wife. She told me about the book when it was first released last summer, but I wasn’t interested at the time. After hearing some of the manifesting success stories from Ken, I started in, doing my manifesting Movie 3-4 times a week.

Five weeks later on December 29, we got approval for the deal! One more hurdle to go. The contract was 500 pages and it still had to be vetted by both legal teams, opening it up to further negotiation. It was nail-biting time. Things were happing fast and I was constantly on the phone and email. I was now using the manifesting techniques I had learned every day.

I was compelled to stay with the manifesting because the deal kept overcoming every obstacle. My confidence was growing and I felt it was making a difference.

Christmas came and went, still no word. I was manifesting that in my future, I was at the signing table making it finally happen. Every day, it was the same future scene and I was very grateful for our success. What a slow, complicated process this was.

Three months later at the end of March 2014, I was finally at that table signing off on the biggest deal in my company’s history!!

I wasn’t just working on manifesting this big deal. I also have other items in my movie and I’m watching those intentions start to come together in unexpected ways.

Manifesting 123 has made the difference and I’m all in. My perspective in how to manage my day-to-day life, however stressful at times, has changed. Manifesting 123 allows me to manage my stress levels and achieve the outcomes I envision in my Movie.



Get the Edge

They all worked hard for this one. Steven told me there were many ways for this contract to fail. Others were competing for the contract and there were 500 pages of details. Anything could happen.

He felt the manifesting was making a difference. The incredible manifesting stories of others just might work for him as well. Perhaps he had an extra advantage with this, so why not try?

Your thoughts literally build as a smoke or vapor in the unseen space around you. The ‘large’ or ‘small’ outcome is up to you. Your thoughts will not judge you or the outcome – they just begin to form what you envision.

This is new information, revolutionary, and it is at the core of all that is around you. It is the basis of all that has been written about manifesting and the law of attraction.

Your thoughts literally begin to make an unseen ‘vapor,’ and as you come back to that thought each day, it becomes more and more solid, adding color and form until it is finally a fully realized, 3-D, full color object. As you continue to work your intention, it will come into your physical world. This is how thought works, it is a fundamental law and it is not dependent on your belief system. Like gravity, it just works.

This is the birthright of everyone and no special skills are required.

Get the book / ebook or listen to the radio interviews where all the information you need is freely offered.

Get the edge and be grateful,

Hear all of the Manifesting 123 techniques for free here: Media page.


Scroll down to the radio interviews. These are not teasers – you will hear all you need for manifesting wonderful things in your life, the importance of gratitude and at last, how to really deal with worry and fear.


Want more? (it’s a fun ride)  Purchase the book or e-book.

View the stories of others that have found success using the very simple techniques in Manifesting 123 and you don’t need #3

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Ken Elliott

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