Work Crisis! Manifesting the Perfect Person

Work Crisis! Manifesting the Perfect Person


by Andrea Chilcote

The following post appeared originally on The Spirited Woman where Andrea is a weekly blogger. 

I often write about “ease,” and the preponderance of everyday miracles. And I have written many times of the power that managing our thoughts and feelings has on the outcomes we achieve. I strive to walk my talk, and on some days I’m more successful at doing so than on others. Putting forth the effort and energy to maintain the resonance of what we desire, vs. dwelling on what appears to be a negative circumstance takes focus – and faith. Here’s a short story for illustration.

I own and operate a very small business. A few weeks ago, an employee of 15 years resigned to pursue an offer that utilizes her many years of experience, and at the same time allows her to do new things in an area that is important in her life. I was and am truly happy for her, and yet my first thought was a very emphatic “Yikes!”  Her work here is mission critical, and we are (as is true most of the time) in the middle of a critical project. And the role requires a unique skill set.

On the morning she gave notice three weeks ago, I was immediately aware that I had a choice. I could allow myself to feel stress, and thus create a stressful condition. Or I could view the situation as one more opportunity to see and seek the opening door vs. dwell on the one that was closing. I chose the former.

Armed with a positive vision, I went into motion. I sent a brief description of the role to several trusted friends, and began making a plan for transition activities. Even though I was busy without this added task, time seemed to expand to allow for it all.

As I write this post, I sit across the room from my new employee who is spending her first day with me. She was the first to inquire about the job, and the only person I interviewed. Seemingly out of nowhere, the apparent perfect person materialized.

Since the day she magically appeared, I have had moments in which I’ve second guessed the synchronicity. But I’ve managed to banish those thoughts as my very real due diligence (interviews, references and skill assessments) has proven, once again, that it doesn’t have to be hard to be right.

If there is a burden you bear at this moment, you know intellectually that your thoughts and feelings about it are conspiring to determine the outcome. Shifting the energy that you carry requires discipline. It also requires faith. Faith is the burden-carrier, releasing the mind from over-analysis and fueling the effort required to take right action. Let it go, and watch what happens next.

We are all creating with our thoughts all the time. Point yourself to the outcomes you want!

Monica Demattei is the new employee described in the story and her boss, Andrea wanted to share it with you. Thank you both!

About that Faith. It is not absolutely necessary, but it doesn’t hurt. Andrea made her plan with a positive vision. Positive is good also but the vision is prime. Make your vision a good one and even better, visualize it in your future. That’s the #1 of Manifesting 123.

Have you ever noticed that sometimes your manifestations happen so quickly there wasn’t time to even consider faith or positive thinking? This newsletter is full of amazing outcomes and some happen very fast. View the story archives.

Your thoughts can create the the future you desire, so go for it! Don’t trip up on your worthiness, or your faith and positive thinking score. Do the 123 in the book or listen to one of my recent radio interviews where I give you the details.

Make your list and check it twice!

KenOh… those are not Monica’s pants. 🙂

Do you have a story of your own to share? Send it to Ken


Ken Elliott

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