Forceful Intentions and Positive Changes = Remarkable Outcomes!

Forceful Intentions and Positive Changes = Remarkable Outcomes!

This is a story about claiming and using the personal power that is our birthright. N. followed with action and opening herself to good outcomes without limits.

N. writes:
For the last 4 months I have been planning on moving from the house I presently own. At the moment, it is much easier to sell good homes than it is to find another. I have been working very hard to find a good rental while I consider where and how I want to live next. I responded to a large number of rental offers and never got a single call back. That’s discouraging!

Add to that, a recent romantic breakup and a very serious hospital stay and you have a better idea of the frustrating times I have been going through.

I decided it was time to turn this around, so I got out of bed and declared myself more powerful. I am very aware of how manifesting works and how vocalizing my intentions give them more strength. So, I stood in front of a mirror and considered what to do.

The last time I tried this, I only knew a bit of what I wanted and those intentions I did put out lacked a strong will on my part. I’m thinking about why I am here? What did I come into this life for? What would make me happy?

I was ready this time, looked at myself in the mirror, decided to stand in my power and I forcefully stated out loud:

  • That I clearly see my new home, not the rental, and I will have the financial abundance to make it happen.
  • I will be with my right mate
  • I am not going to cry and go down again.
  • My health will be much improved with little pain. I will break out of my cycle of difficult health problems.
  • The right things will be brought to me and keep me on my soul’s correct path.
  • Happiness 

Then I declared that I am open and worthy to receive these magical blessings.

That was a powerful moment and following that, I declared that I wouldn’t spend 6 hours a day on the computer trying to find that rental. Later, I went back to some gardening, swimming and contacting friends for 1 on 1 meet ups to break the covid isolation I had been in. Oh, and a manicure – the works! It felt great and I had successfully resurrected my mind, body and soul and forcefully set a healthy and happy course forward.

Within three days this is what happened:

  • A woman saw my ad requesting a rental and she called me! I went right over. I was surprised to see that is was newly updated, included a space for my work as an artist, and was 5 minutes from my present home – perfect!
  • I then received a request from out of state to illustrate a children’s book, a new and profitable opportunity.
  • The following day I was contacted by a very nice man who knew about me though a spiritual group and stated that he was growing very curious and interested in me. Three messages later, he asked me out. When he came by to pick me up, he walked in and I said to myself, “Oh Lord, you did good!”

I will not go back to the person I once was and I will not try to force what I think is the best outcome and I am confidently moving forward. It’s like the phrase in the book, “Point yourself to happiness.”

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Photo credit: Cottonbro / and Manifesting 123 on Pinterest

Ken Elliott


  1. Oh Ken – What a powerful story. N standing in front of the mirror was a beautiful declaration of manifesting her new reality. Thanks for the reminder to stand up and make IT happen. Hugs MC

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