Rear view of a woman relaxing sitting on a couch with the hands on the head and looking outdoors through the window of the livingroom at home; Shutterstock ID 417115363; PO:

Add These to Your Manifesting: Perfection and the Idea of an Ease and Grace (reprise)

Often when we make our wish, offer up a prayer or purposely manifest, it sometimes feels like we are writing a contract and our intent is to make it the best one possible. One typical strategy would be to add numerous details and cover all the bases.

It is difficult to know all the possible outcomes for each of those possible scenarios, and a different set of details would likely be required for each one. Since we are not All Knowing, there is much that is beyond our understanding – a big handicap. So, let’s find a way to overcome our limited view and at the same time, let go of needless, fear-based detail.

How about the idea of asking for the perfect outcome? We are all deserving of some perfection in our lives, so let’s not trip up on being unworthy. Think of how powerful and efficient it is to specify an ideal result. So how does that work out?

Sometimes things come together very quickly, miraculous even, but more often, the desired result comes together over time. Take for example, the idea of having that perfect career. The present job is not the ideal, but thankfully, a really good opportunity presents itself and it is happily accepted. This new position is better, but after awhile it still falls short. It was a good place to be however, and the time was not wasted there. What often comes next is the career that was dreamed of and it’s perfect for that person. Gratitude lights up the sky!

Here’s one more tip: Ask for these things to come with an Ease and a Grace. Cover the bases efficiently, minus those details, and ask for something other than hardship to reach your goals. In our lives, let’s simply cross the street without having to dodge the traffic. I’m oversimplifying, but there is great power in adding the phrase Ease and a Grace to all that you ask for. Now that’s a way to write a contract!

Here’s asking that all things come to you with an Ease and a Grace as well and that you will have more perfection in your lives.


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Photo credit: Haley X Martin and Manifesting 123 on Pinterest

Ken Elliott

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