My First Baby and I Needed Help Fast!

My First Baby and I Needed Help Fast!

Life isn’t always easy for everyone and Anna Marie knows that well. When things got really hard, she would pray and also work to manifest solutions.Thank you for sending us your story today.

Anna Marie writes:
I was 26, a young mother with my first baby. I was very much about being the very best mother I could be.

I was living in Seattle, driving on the freeway in a unfamiliar part of town when suddenly my car just conked out. I had enough momentum to get it off the freeway safely, thank goodness.

My one and a half year-old son was in his car seat and remained sound asleep. I had no idea where I was, stranded on a very busy freeway (before cell phones) and there’s very little I could do to help myself. I got out of the car and opened the hood – I had learned to do that as a signal of distress. I certainly was all of that.

I got back into the car and said a prayer for God to send me a policeman or someone that could help! I definitely didn’t want to get out of the car and walk with my baby to a phone.

I felt incredibly helpless, but thank goodness my baby continued to sleep. About 15 minutes had passed when I heard a motorcycle pulling up behind me. The rider, a young man with shoulder-length brown hair came to my car and asked if I needed some help.

I told him I did and he suggested what we could do. “We’re going to walk down the side of the freeway here, away from traffic. Then we will go down this other little hill and I’ll get you to a phone. I know a couple that lives very close by.”

I was struck by how kind he was. You just couldn’t mistake it, so I trusted him to make the trip. He said that he would carry the baby, put my dear son in his arms and off we went.

When we got to the house, he knocked on the door and when the owners answered he told them my situation. The people in the house were very, very kind and glad to help me. I sat down and the young man put my still sleeping son down on the couch nearby. I looked up just a moment later and was gone. He never said goodbye or allowed me to thank him.

I don’t remember if I asked the nice people if they knew the man. They did all act familiar together and they seemed very comfortable with each other. It was kind of strange because here I was in a house where I didn’t know anyone  but I felt completely comfortable.

My baby never woke up. I thought that was pretty amazing in retrospect. I have sometimes thought that maybe they were all angels. Either way, they all did what the angels would do and together, they quickly answered my prayer.

I have learned that when I am in a jam, and I’ve been in a few, somehow things always work out for the asking. I’ve learned to be quick to ask and I wholeheartedly recommend that you do the same!

I have also manifested a lot of things in my life after reading the Manifesting 123 book and some of those stores of been in this newsletter. All of this has lead me to feel more in control now. It’s simply wonderful.

Just ask and don’t forget to be grateful!
Anna Marie

Have a manifesting story to share? Please email it in and if it is used for this newsletter I’ll send you a free, signed copy of the book as a thank you.


Photo credit:  7 Things to Remember When Your Car Breaks Down The CarConnection


Ken Elliott

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