Baby’s Christmas Arrival (reprise story)

Baby’s Christmas Arrival (reprise story)

My friend told me the intriguing story of a baby born last week. She is part of a medical staff working in the nursery for newborns. The mother that gave birth to that baby had decided for her own reasons not to keep it, but to give the baby up for adoption. The mother had also made the decision not to see her baby or give it a name, a difficult choice to make.

Once the baby was born and brought into the the nursery, it became the responsibility of the nursing staff and by default, they all became surrogate mothers. Together they decided that the baby should have a name but it would have to be a temporary one, just for the baby’s time in the nursery.

It was very close to Christmas, so the nurses decided to name him Nicholas. The next step in the baby’s new journey would be to leave the hospital and be put into short-term foster care. Arrangements were made for a couple to bring the newborn into their care briefly while the proper agencies would work to find permanent, adoptive parents.

The couple that came to nursery was much experienced in helping these newborns, having taken in 142 newborns over the last 30 years! Just the day before, the couple had given over a newborn in their care to the adoption agency and now they were at lunch discussing the new baby they were to pick up today.

They knew the baby was a boy and they had purchased baby clothes with a Christmas theme for his trip to their home. This couple would be the baby’s first adoptive parents, if only for a short time, but it gave them the honor to select a permanent name for the baby.

At the hospital, the mother decided to see her baby after all and the mother was with the baby when the adoptive couple arrived.The baby was then dressed in the festive clothes and it came up about what this adoptave couple would name the baby. A name had to be entered into the birth record.

The couple said they had thought about a name when they were having lunch earlier. After some discussion, it felt just right to name this baby boy Nicholas. The nursery staff fell silent, holding back the shock and the joy of it. Nicholas it is.

Nicholas had seemingly announced himself to the world.

Happily, the mother had a change of mind and decided to spend another hour with the baby before he left the nursery. After the mother’s visit with her son, he was put into the arms of the kind couple and taken to his first home.

By the way, my friend told me that the baby Nicholas had the bluest eyes she had ever seen.

Have a wonderful Holiday Season of love and joy. The baby Nicholas is having a marvelous Christmas and I hope the same for you. Manifest your heart’s desire for a beautiful 2011.

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Ken Elliott

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