Fascinatin’ Manifestin’

Fascinatin’ Manifestin’

Here is an interesting insight from someone that has often had his success stories included in this newsletter.

Here’s to your New Year of health, abundance, comfort, fulfillment and much more. Make the manifesting list of your dreams!

Michael writes:
I keep myself open to manifesting, prayer and faith. I watch my words, keep it positive as much as I can and say yes to many things. You might say that I have “rediscovered” the art of manifestation!

For years now, I have held to the idea of having more money and I have found that it first comes to me in the form of finding other people’s money and valuables, followed by my own gifts.

This has happened enough times that I can now follow a repeating pattern. As it goes, just last week I found someone’s debit card and I promptly turned it in to one of the apartment lease workers. Next, I found someone’s cell phone and again, I attempted to get it back to the owner by turning it in to management.

If you have been following me over the years on Facebook, you might guess what happened next. I found a person’s wallet and promptly turned that in as well.

Then it was my turn, and note that all the while, I’m continually manifesting financial abundance for myself. I am expecting something and it comes in the form of a monthly loan debt annotated on a paystub from the U.S. Government, come to find out after a hunch phone call I did not have loan payment due at all – it had been paid off for months and I was due a refund out of nowhere for $518! I passed the test and I am blessed!

That was followed by a small, unexpected pay raise but it was for my continuing good!

The last in this string of manifesting successes and answered prayers was another financial gift. I have a delivery business and during a drop-off, I was attacked by a dog. The home owners were uncooperative so I had to hire a law firm to seek compensation and I was awarded a $5,500 settlement.

That is a difficult way to manifest thousands of dollars – fortunately, I am fine now. All and all, it was a nice sum that came unexpectedly and since their insurance company paid the amount, no one was out anything.

Go to the 
Interviews Page
 to see and hear Ken talking about Manifesting 123 and you don’t need #3. There is new information here and you won’t hear it anywhere else. It is so simple. Make it work for you!

Have a manifesting story to share?
This newsletters is published twice a month, on the 1st and 3rd Fridays. Your wonderful manifesting stories continue to come in, and thank you for those. Do you have a story? Please email it in and if it is used for this newsletter, I’ll send you a free, signed copy of the book as a thank you.

Photo credit: Karolina Grabowska at Pexels.com and Manifesting 123 on Pinterest

Ken Elliott

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