Can you manifest $10,000 twice? Why not?

Can you manifest $10,000 twice? Why not?

I was in a horrific car accident in May of 2018 which involved 5 vehicles, serious injuries and a fatality. Miraculously, I had minor injuries in spite of the severity of the crash.  I do not have a litigious mind so I did not expect any compensation or damages from the at-fault party and mentally, I just tried to move on. My vehicle had been rented so at least that was not my problem. But for some reason, a sum of $10,000 kept surfacing in my mind: I had some unanswered medical expenses resulting from the accident and also a few minor renovations I needed at home.

This amount had been on my brain for MONTHS! I practiced manifesting for it. Well, low and behold, in June of 2019, $10K showed up, in an unusual way. A very dear (and wealthy) friend of ours donated $10,000 to my daughter’s film campaign. Olivia Kuan is my daughter and a professional cinematographer. She is in the process of creating a documentary, “Brick House” about my days playing for The Houston Herricanes in the Women’s Professional Football League during the 1970’s. No, not soccer. Women’s American tackle football. OK, the money didn’t come to me, but that was good enough! I kind of thought I had met my $10K manifestation.

Even though it had been months since the accident, in a surprise phone call I learned early in 2019 that the at-fault party intended to compensate me for damages. They said they “presumed” I would file. I kept my composure and replied, of course. I chose not to hire an attorney as my award would not have been that much based on research and advice from various well-informed individuals. So, I picked up my $10K mantra again as the negotiations dragged on. Why not? But I was also told by my sources that $10K is quite a bit more than I should expect. Sixteen months after the accident, the insurer finally made their offer, $8,930! With encouragement from my attorney friend, I countered reasonably. The final offer was around $10,600. Well, of course I accepted!

So, I’m at it again, but I’m cranking it up exponentially. Olivia needs $100K to complete and distribute her film. She’s done exceptionally well with her campaign and in securing investors thus far but there is still a way to go. I’m visualizing success.

What to be a part of Basia’s daughter’s remarkable documentary? Here’s more info:

Olivia’s website
The Brick House tax deductible Fundraising Page
For investors, contact Olivia:



Go to the Interviews Page to see and hear Ken talking about Manifesting 123 and you don’t need #3. There is new information here and you won’t hear it anywhere else. It is so simple. Make it work for you!

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Photo credit: unknown and Manifesting 123 on Pinterest

Ken Elliott


  1. Awesome and inspiring story. I needed this picker upper story today.

    All the best

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