How in the World Did I Get Here? By Asking!  Part 2

How in the World Did I Get Here? By Asking!  Part 2

Lee’s India story continues with some wonderful, personal insights.  Read Part 1 here

Lee writes:
It looks like I have a Part 2 story with my India trip.  For whatever the reason, I felt pulled to take a spiritual  trip there but my first priority was to bring in new work. I am a self-employed consultant and having just wrapped up my last project, it was necessary to find new work.

Amazingly, I did get the next project (Part 1) and as a further surprise, it turned into full-time employment. Within three weeks I was representing my new employer in India! My prayers and manifesting regimens have been producing results. Now don’t get me wrong, I am so very grateful to be working in India, but it needed some tweaking.

My first week on the job was very tiring and the hotel that was to be my home for a time wasn’t very good. The room, food and internet speeds were not great and I found myself grumbling. I understand that grumbles are thoughts that create scenarios so I changed course and declared that this trip is going to be a great success. I will make myself so valuable here my employer will want me to work with them forever.

Walking the streets of India will gives one enormous perspective between the haves and have-nots. It also is very empowering.

After evaluating how I came to be here, I realized how much personal and professional growth came my way. I found more gratitude, saw more lessons learned and understood that the ‘good’ and ‘bad’ experiences lately have been great gifts.

Rather than accepting work being hard and having a substandard room, I decided to manifest change. I took action in two ways. I would go out of my way to better learn my new job and have a happy attitude with those I work with. Second, I would request a better room. In my manifesting, I was going for a great outcome.

Things happened quickly. As I dove into my job with a positive attitude, I also took the role as someone learning the job, They appreciated my respectful and upbeat attitude and as a result I received a lot of help from the local staff. All of us had a more enjoyable time and the work didn’t seem as difficult.

This shift of mine seemed to be working, so I called the hotel business manager about my room and he moved me to the executive floor. EVERYTHNG was much better, including the room service food! My temporary home was a real pleasure.

All was working out, but I was still in India and hadn’t been able to visit any of the spiritual places that drew me here. There was only one weekend left and I declared that if I am to go to the Taj Mahal, then ‘they’ should make it happen.

My last weekend there was a public holiday but we were all scheduled to work. That’s ok, I was not a grumbler anymore, so I didn’t mind. Then my business manager told me to take the weekend off anyway since the staff wouldn’t have any work for me to review until Monday. I was free to be the tourist at last!

The business manager arranged a car and driver for me, a 5-hour drive to the Taj Mahal and important sights in between. It all worked out beautifully and I had the best guides on site to guide and teach me.

I was generous in the way I paid and tipped all those on the the trip and on my return I was fully reimbursed for my entire adventure – a marvelous gift and a complete surprise!

Looking back over the past few weeks, I can clearly see how everything I prayed and manifested for came to me with an ease and a grace, as the book says. Also, the positive actions I took on my arrival made my entire Indian trip, not just the tourist sites, the spiritual and fulfilling experience beyond my imagining.

I will continue to pray, manifest and take actions on the things I wish to change. Oh, and I will do it all with gratitude!


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Ken Elliott

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