Making My Business Explode!

Making My Business Explode!

Denise writes:
I have a jewelry store in a quaint, small town-shopping district. It’s not a high traffic spot like a mall, but I love the pleasant ambience and the other business owners nearby.

As much as I liked it, there was a little problem: the business wasn’t doing that well. I am a hard worker and know the business so I did what came naturally. I worked harder. I put in longer hours, tried different ideas and allowed local organizations some of my wall space. It was helpful, but sales for 2015 and most of 2016 were still not enough to get the business to a comfortable and sustainable level.

During that time, my friend Trudy had the goal to start her own picture frame business, so I sub-leased a portion of my store to help her get started. It was mutually beneficial to us and after a time Trudy struck out to get her own space. We were both very surprised when a store front to lease became available right next door to mine.

In a short time Trudy was doing well with her business, something that got my attention. We were both using Manifesting 123 at the time and Trudy’s success gave me the incentive to re-examine how I was manifesting for my business. I know manifesting works and I clearly get that I have the ability to make it better.

I made my plan, but not just manifesting and then waiting for something to show up. I inaugurated a new business strategy that would have some risk involved. I decided to manifest a good outcome that would increase the business by 300%!

I consulted with my business partner and we took the practical step to add three very expensive jewelry lines to our inventory. This was a big investment for us and it was my part to make it work. I was using every practical thing I could think of to make the shop more successful and I added another important element. I put more attention into manifesting that good outcome.

So each morning before the customers arrived, I took the time to manifest more sales. I would stand in the middle of the store and run the movie concept I learned in the book. I am imagining that I am standing in my future and that business is three times greater. I did this by myself in the shop every morning. Well, almost by myself.

There was a little problem. My business partner is in another location and when I open, he is watching me at a distance on the store’s remote camera. It is a part of our smart, security regimen. So once I began putting more time into manifesting our success, my partner would see me just standing there for 15 minutes, immovable in the middle of the store as if I had short-circuited. He had no idea what I was doing.

Business went up immediately, particularly last November and December 2016. The sales were so strong that those two months exceeded all of 2015!  It was like a supernova!

My partner did finally ask me if I was OK and when I told him what I was up to, he was much amazed and is now a part of what we are manifesting.

I’m not stopping with the business success. I am also seeing myself in the future with my family in the Seattle area. We are enjoying a nice place with a view of the water. It will be interesting to see how that manifests itself.

There will be more!

Thank you for your success story Denise!
Wow, 300% is an amazing change. It started with Trish’s story and it made the newsletter earlier. Check it out here.

Learn how your own thoughts are constantly creating and put it to work for you now!

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Ken Elliott

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