Manifesting Tips: Desires and Worthiness

Manifesting Tips: Desires and Worthiness

From Ken

Some very important points came up in conversations yesterday.  Manifesting is very simple and requires very little from us, so let’s cover a couple of basic items that trip people up.

What is it that you desire? When you get in your car to run an errand, you know precisely where you’re going to go. If you get in your car without any knowledge of your destination then good luck on your journey. Go for it. Figure out how you want your life to be even if it seems beyond reach. The Manifesting 123 story page is a great place to see what others have imagined and brought into their lives.

Your thoughts are creating things and concepts around you constantly. All that you repetitively hope for or fear is building around you right now. If you don’t know where you want to go then you will be carried down the river without a paddle, so to speak.

Your thoughts create in a very literal way. Imagine you’re typing the letter H on your computer. Every time you touch that key it will respond with HHHHHHH. Knowing how thought works is absolutely golden. It is one of the greatest tools you have and it is fully and simply explained in the book.

Now it’s up to you to decide what you wish to create in your life. Because thoughts are literal, use words like desire rather than I want or I need. Do not make the command that I am wanting for something by saying, “I want _________”  Your thoughts will literally create want, need or lack.

Instead, use the power of your thoughts to imagine a scene in your future where your desires have already happened. Walk around in that scene using your many senses to take it in and then express your gratitude for the nice result you observe there. It’s also an excellent time to thank God or the God of your understanding for your ability to create things with your mind. Your gratitude is a powerful force that increases the power of your intentions.

Are you ready? Are you worthy? Yes you are. Do you have to ask permission to breathe? Of course not. Like breathing, creating things with thought is your birthright. Take full advantage and bring all your wishes to life. Breathe all of the air you like? Once you start breathing you shouldn’t stop, yes? Once you start manifesting in a purposeful way, then keep it as a daily practice. Not just once, but consciously use the Manifesting 123 everyday. This gives you a beautiful advantage in life and it is Allowed for you to do so.

Take a deep breath, smile and begin pointing yourself to happiness!


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Ken Elliott

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