I Endured Years of Pain, Then I Asked for Help

I Endured Years of Pain, Then I Asked for Help

I’ve had some very big events in my life. It wasn’t very long ago that I went off the Interstate at Vail Pass, Colorado. I went way down – 500 feet off the road. I was rescued pretty quickly but while I was back up on the highway and in the ambulance, we were struck by another car! That is another story entirely, but the result of that epic accident was some bruises and a single broken nail.  I was very lucky and I still feel that way but it hasn’t always been the case.

Back in 1996 I wasn’t feeling as fortunate. I was overweight, hated my job, single and I was stuck in an unhappy life. When you hit the bottom there is nothing but up, so that’s where I directed my prayer. I said, “Lord, I need a change.”

Incredibly, just two hours later I had a terrible skiing accident. I fell hard and my leg was completely bent backward behind my body. Every tendon, bone and muscle was disconnected in my leg and it was held together with the surrounding skin. Seven hours of surgery later, I was informed that I was better but more surgeries would be required.

I was bed ridden for 4 months and had to learn walking again. I became addicted to the painkillers and was more miserable than before. I didn’t know it at the time, but I was going to have10 more knee surgeries in the next 7 years. Life was NOT good, but I did get the change I asked for.

My mother was caring for me, thank you Mom and she brought me a watercolor set to pass the time. It was a brilliant idea on her part. I learned quickly and thrived in this medium. In only one year I was teaching watercolor classes and I still do today.

Teaching the watercolor classes was my gateway to understanding. Life began to make sense to me. I understand that I am clearly here to help others.

During these years the pain in my left knee never went away. One leg was shorter than the other and my body compensated by stressing my normal muscles and bones in different ways to keep me balanced. My hip was being stressed to compensate and soon it was in constant pain with the pain traveling up my spine. I was walking crooked now with continual pain from my spine to my knee, the hip being the worst.

In 2000, I fell on the ice and injured my painting arm. I distinctly felt that I was pushed to the ice but no one was there. “What is going on?” I asked. Whatever that was, I decided I wouldn’t be pushed down any longer.

I started an exercise and weight loss program. I was at 275 pounds so I had to take action. Fast-forward to 2014 and 70+ pounds lighter, progress was being made but I was still in constant pain. I felt I was doing all I could do and then it hit me. I could pray and manifest a reduction of my constant pain. My intention was for the pain to go away and for someone to put my body back in balance.

Shortly afterward, I had a dream of a local building with markings on the outside. It was very familiar but I didn’t know where it was. Within days of the dream I was on an errand when I saw the building. There was a sign on the outside for a chiropractor’s office. I went right in and was introduced to Mary. She became a Godsend to me. She was expert on muscle therapy and told me that my cells remembered all the traumas I have been through all these years. Her treatments were working and for the first time, I was beginning to experience less pain!

Within weeks I was also blessed to meet Renee. She is extraordinarily capable with the gift of seeing and manipulating energies in the body. Now I had two exceptional women working on my physical and energetic body.

As a result, I was introduced to spiritual studies and began to understand why I might be holding on to the pain and trauma that had been a part of my life for so long. I took my heart and body back. They guided me to escape my long-experienced dramas. I felt that there was a way free and that I could go beyond myself and be of service to others.

In June of this year I fully understood that I could create change but it was scary to let go of old things. I went for it. I scheduled Mary and Renee in the same week. I had done a lot of work and received fabulous help, resulting in another 25 pound weight loss and being physically and mentally fit.

I was ready, so I prayed and manifested that I was completely pain free. I had been fighting my way back for a very long time and I knew I was worthy.

Within 2 weeks of asking, I woke up with my answer. Upon waking, I realized the constant pain was gone! It has been two months now and I am beyond grateful to be moving easily and living normally. Looking back, I can see how a plan unfolded for me but it wasn’t an easy path.

The rewards are great, however. I no longer need pain meds and my life is at an exciting, new level. I am praying and manifesting daily because I know this works. Today I am all about helping and healing others as well as creating my successful art career. Thank you, Nancy for your incredibly powerful and hopeful story.

I asked, did the work and much was given. I am grateful to you all!

Nancy Gardiner, Colorado
her art website

and Renee Van Aels-Bouma, Colorado

This is only part of Nancy’s story

Along the way, Nancy had 20 surgeries total and a life-threatening staph infection but she persevered. She had too many low periods to count but when the story was told, she had remarkable turning points each time she simply asked. The first ‘change’ she requested was a tough one but as she said, she can see the bigger plan now.

Here’s a wee tip. Next time you pray or manifest changes, remember to ask for it to come with “an ease and a grace!”

I wish you all every success!



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Ken Elliott

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