Merrily Manifesting With the IRS

Merrily Manifesting With the IRS

For too long I have been in the month-to-month, in the getting the bills paid cycle. It’s been a little squeaky this year but so far so good, right? I’m very grateful for that! However, the next few months were looking tight financially again.

Happily (am I crazy?) April 15 was approaching so I put together my taxes and submitted them to my accountant. It’s a bit like walking up to a slot machine and putting your money in, hoping for a great result. My past history with the IRS typically means that I owe them a couple of thousand dollars.

I got my return into the accountant a few days before the April 15 deadline. The office called and told me they were ready for me to pick up my return. I was a bit excited because something favorable could be in the air. I had no idea of what to expect because I had my usual year, a favorable one as an independent contractor, but my expenses were unusually high. It left me a very small income last year, but amazingly I made it through 2015 okay.

I drove to the office and my accountant came out with the return. He was smiling and said “I’ve got great news for you. A lot of money is coming back to you in the amount of $10,000 from the federal government!”

I was absolutely floored. He said, “That’s not all. You have another $6000 coming back from the state.” That seems impossible because nothing much happens with the state financially. I rarely get anything back from the state and only small amounts of money are involved.

We just laughed and laughed and I kept saying, “Oh my God,” I don’t know how many times. That is a lot of money and it was what I needed to get my mind off the next few months. I’m ahead on the bills!

I manifest every day and expect results. Guess what? A lot of good things come in but it never ceases to amaze me how the solutions appear.

I remember that manifesting story from the newsletters a few months back. Regardless of the tough times in the past, put them in your rearview mirror. Don’t mess up the thing that you’re currently manifesting with worry. Well I apparently did a pretty good job manifesting and the finances are looking good going forward.
Here’s that rearview mirror story

It’s wonderful to catch a break and it’s nice to know that I had something to do with it! I’m not going to sit back, you had better believe that. I’ll continue to manifest every day and express my gratitude for what I have. Also I do what the book says, take actions on those worries and focus on manifesting the positives.

What a great tool manifesting 123 is!
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Ken Elliott

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