Our Intentions Can Make a Difference

Our Intentions Can Make a Difference

Prayers going out for the couple written about here for their intentions and their best and highest good be done.

Thank you, Leslie for your heartwarming story.

Leslie writes:
I recently received a startling text from the husband of a dear friend, S., that I met while traveling about a year ago. She doesn’t live nearby but we have stayed close and I was shocked to hear that she had a stroke.

Her husband said that the doctors informed them that S. has lung cancer and it has metastasized to her brain. He continued texting because he wasn’t ready for a phone call yet. As his text went on, he said, “We’re at the hospital, and just outside S’s room in the hallway is a painting. It’s your painting.”

I was so astounded by that, because my art is not in a lot of public places and only in one hospital. What are the chances that it would be right outside her hospital door?

He went on to say, “Your love and light were with us, even though you didn’t know it and it helped get us through the evening. It was a very dark night, and it helped so much.”

With this couple, our entire relationship has been graced with magical occurrences, but that one really floored me. I’ve seen her since then, thank goodness, and together they will go forward.

This art coincidence made me think of the purpose I had set for myself as a painter some time ago. It feels great to to do what I want to do because it’s my life’s dream and passion. It is also my intention to bring life, joy and even healing to people thorough my paintings and it was heartwarming to know that sometimes my artworks make a difference.

This is an inspiring story on a lot of levels and thank you for passing it on through this newsletter,
Leslie Jorgensen
Visit her art website


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Ken Elliott

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