Imagining My Perfect Home in the Middle of a Garden…

Imagining My Perfect Home in the Middle of a Garden…

Sage writes:
One morning I was thinking, “What I really need to manifest is more time to get all the great things I want to do in my day.” The thought came into my head that I should look up manifesting on Facebook. That search led directly to your video in which you were talking about manifesting perfectly synchronized time! Just incredible!

I do have beautiful things happen like that all the time ‘on purpose’ so I know manifesting works. Your book brings it all together so clearly, so thank you.

I am writing to share the latest, big manifesting success I had.

I was focusing on a new place to live, my own little cottage in a beautiful garden. I “accidentally” found one for rent, but I didn’t have a job at the time. I went to look at it anyway and it was perfect, and just as I imagined, right in the middle of a garden. Unfortunately, the landlords had decided not to rent it after all. They were thinking of renting it as a bed and breakfast instead. I gave them my information anyway and went back to look for a job. It only took a month to land one, thank goodness.

The garden cottage was the main priority again so I took a chance and called the owners back. They said they had JUST decided they were going to rent it after all. I had been thinking all along about how wonderful it would be to live in that cottage and it was unbelievably exciting when I was finally able to move in.

I couldn’t get my bed moved in on the first day but I didn’t care. I so happy to be there I slept on the floor the first night! I was a thrill to manifest my wonderful home IN a wonderful garden!


Thank you Sage!
Her new home is very special and unique, just like the needle in the haystack but manifesitng made it happen! Here are a couple of her garden photos below and that’s her hammock at the top of this newsletter… beautiflul!

Oh yes, here is the archived newsletter about manifesting perfectly synchronized time… an enormous tool!!

There are over 200 stories on the Manifesting 123 website.
Other readers are writing in with their very encouraging success stories, all searchable by keywords. Get the book, learn what they are doing, then get going! Once you know how manifesting actually works, it’s not likely you will let it go!

Go to the Interviews page to see and hear Ken talking about Manifesting 123. There is new information here and you won’t hear it anywhere else. It is so simple. Make it work for you!

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Please email it in and if it is used for this newsletter I’ll send you a free, signed copy of the book as a thank you.

Photo credit: Sage’s hammock!

Ken Elliott

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