


So What’s Happened Lately? Recapping Your Stories, Part II

So What’s Happened Lately? Recapping Your Stories, Part II

What a tremendous ride we are on! There have been so many manifesting stories sent in by readers and your experiences have thrilled us. I want to thank each one of you again for taking the time to send in your manifesting stories. You have made a difference in your life and you have encouraged many others worldwide! Beginning this week, this newsletter will convert...

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Manifesting My Replacement and Then My Retirement

Manifesting My Replacement and Then My Retirement

I want to tell you about my great success with Manifesting. I have been retired for 14 days!!! Loving it and I couldn’t be happier! A lot of manifesting was put into the decision and the outcome is/was amazing! While making the decision to retire, I was flooded with the what ifs. For me personally, I knew retirement was best for me. As a school...

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Manifesting Everything on Her List

Manifesting Everything on Her List

Kate Klingensmith “Last Light, Cozad” oil on canvas, 30 x 40 inches This newsletter didn’t appear last Friday because the scheduled story about artist Kate’s Klingensmith continued to unfold at my home over the weekend. It was a hold the presses event. Kate is very familiar with manifesting and last fall, she was imagining going out west and attending a master artist’s workshop.  After some research, she...

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New House! Going for the Goal and Getting Out of the Way

New House! Going for the Goal and Getting Out of the Way

Kathy writes: I have been living in Denver for 50 years. It is a wonderful place and I have many friends here but for whatever reason, I felt the urge to move to a new place away from Denver. My husband was fine with the idea and he was thinking of something out of Colorado. I’m and artist and formerly in the real estate business....

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Important: Dealing With Worries / Making Them Work For You

Important: Dealing With Worries / Making Them Work For You

The last newsletter, also marked important, was about the personal blocks that get in our way to happiness. View it here Your worries hold you back as well and it is important for to know what your worries really do. Books and advice abound on dealing with worry and I encourage to to use any method that works for you. Most of the advice dealing...

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Important: Are You are Getting in Your Way?

Important: Are You are Getting in Your Way?

Are you among the many people that feel you are not manifesting properly? For whatever reason, you just can’t move forward with the idea of making things better for yourself? Here is something that will put you at ease. You are already expert at using your thoughts to manifest anything. You have been doing this since you were a kid. Whether you knew it or...

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How Easy. I Manifested Getting that Check

How Easy. I Manifested Getting that Check

Louise writes: I’ve had some amazing successes with Manifesting 123 so I have stayed with it. I use the simple Manifesting techniques in the book everyday. I’m so happy to share what just happened. My husband has been thinking of retirement for some time, but we needed a bit more of a financial cushion, $20,000. OK, I’ve had my good Manifesting outcomes and your newsletter...

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Bringing Home Baby’s Wish List

Bringing Home Baby’s Wish List

Anyone who has ever been responsible to provide for a new offspring or is the relative of an expectant parent, knows it involves multiple, high ticket items. As a mother involved in shopping for what used to be called a buggy or stroller, I have done some head wagging at the multiple and mind boggling varieties of what are now transportation ‘systems.’ So it was...

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I Bought the Wrong Thing at Auction!

I Bought the Wrong Thing at Auction!

From the author Recently, I was invited to a charity gala. It was a delightful evening where we all dressed up and enjoyed the good food and music. In addition to the ticket price, the charity raises money with an elaborate array of items that are offered in a silent auction. Hundreds of interesting things and services can be bid on. Before dinner, everyone spends...

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Avoiding Tragedy and Manifesting that New Car

Avoiding Tragedy and Manifesting that New Car

From Edee I really like the newer cars with the latest improvements and gadgets. I’ve been driving a CTS Cadillac I bought in 2011, not an old car, but the newer models have something in particular I really like, the rear vision camera. It’s tricky when I’m backing out of my garage sometimes, so the camera would be really useful. My current car has four...

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