


After the Workshop, Things are Happening Fast  part 2

After the Workshop, Things are Happening Fast part 2

Excerpt from part one:  complete part 1  “When I attended your workshop last week, I was at a very low point. I was having to take pain pills and muscle relaxants as a result of an accident a few weeks before. My doctor said I may need surgery, adding to my worries.” “I had just seen my financial planner and realized how I cannot afford my...

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It was a Simple Idea that Manifested Globally

It was a Simple Idea that Manifested Globally

I saw this article in the New York Times a couple of days ago, January 28, 2014.  Photo: A shipment of low-enriched uranium, equivalent to 10,000 warheads, arrived at an American plant in 2005. credit: USEC Thomas Neff, a physicist at MIT was thinking about the weapons grade nuclear material that the Soviet Union possessed after the end of the Cold War. This enormous and very dangerous stockpile could end...

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Shooting the Moon!

Shooting the Moon!

John is a commissioned salesman selling a specialized product. People can order from a short menu of existing types or specify a custom item. It is important that John stays close to his customers with product updates but he can’t pester them with constant pitches. In a saturated market, his product stands out in a premium niche, but there is still abundant competition. After reading...

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A Miracle is Needed and the Request Goes Out

A Miracle is Needed and the Request Goes Out

From a lovely reader:Ken I know you recommend that part of our movie every day is to see ourselves enjoying perfect health. I think we all want that and families desire their children to be healthy as well. It seems a given that children will have it but alas, sometimes they do not. Often we hear from a friend asking for our helpful prayers and healing...

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Manifesting the Really Big Deals – Multiple Choices

Manifesting the Really Big Deals – Multiple Choices

Last week a good friend called, wanting to come by and talk a bit. We met about five years ago and immediately hit it off. He wanted to talk about what has been happening with him lately and dropped a hint that manifesting would be involved.He brought over a nice bottle of wine and we settled in. When we first met years ago, I discussed...

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We Need to Make the Plan Work Now

We Need to Make the Plan Work Now

  I want to share an experience that happened on December 30th of last year. My friend and I went to Joshua Tree National Park in California to spend New Year’s Eve. We had decided to camp out and bring in the New Year at the park. It was a great plan, enjoying the outdoors rather then the usual celebrations in the city.  It was a...

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How Could This Happen? The Improbable Business Plan

How Could This Happen? The Improbable Business Plan

Here is Manifesting at its best.  Since I am an artist and a writer, I have a lot of creative friends. We love what we do and the trick is to be the happy artist and pay the bills. We talk often about things artistic and our careers. Read that as talking about improving as an artist and paying the bills.Strategies abound and fortunately, artists have a...

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Take Your Good Song and Make it Better

Take Your Good Song and Make it Better

It is great fun hearing your marvelous stories and talking about Manifesting 123 to people everywhere. They tell me it is the simplest manifesting book they have ever read. Anyone can do this (they do) and have been happily successful (lots of that.) It is just too easy and for some, that creates a problem. We are raised to think that much has to be put in place...

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Kate’s Runaway Artistic Success

Kate’s Runaway Artistic Success

From Ken: My good friend Casey Klahn and I gave a dual art workshop last summer. As I often do when I’m teaching painting, I’ll follow the art workshop session for those interested with a Manifesting 123 lecture. I am always amazed at how many people come up later and tell me that not only was Manifesting 123 a very big bonus to the art class, but...

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The List: Your Amazing 2013 and More for 2014!

The List: Your Amazing 2013 and More for 2014!

What a year! I’ve been looking over the stories sent in by readers of Manifesting 123 and I am profoundly moved. No one wrote in to say how difficult it was to do the recommendations in the book. In fact, the majority said is was very simple, the easiest they had ever encountered. Now you KNOW that your thoughts begin to form up as soon as you...

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