Hard Work, Perseverance and a Manifesting Plan. The Magical Recipe

Hard Work, Perseverance and a Manifesting Plan. The Magical Recipe

From Trudy:
15 years ago I started to dream of having my own store in a nice location. I am a picture framer and it made perfect sense to have my own company rather than working for other people. I felt like I was on track to achieve this goal but everything changed with my divorce. It was a big setback.

I switched gears and started again with a new business partner. We opened just when the economy started to tank. We never saw it coming and I ended up in bankruptcy. It wasn’t all bad, I was able to keep my home, a precious break.

All of that made for a difficult 10 years but I survived it. I kept working hard and continued to look for the opportunity of my dreams. About a year later I came across a woman with a successful jewelry store. It was a nice space with handmade jewelry in display cases from a number of artisans with sculpture and wall art also displayed. What she was doing with the store really appealed to me so I approached her with the idea of subleasing a small area of her store for my frame shop operation. My thought was that it would be a good fit, benefiting us both.

I brought in all my personal jewelry and told her about my plan. I offered the jewelry as a down payment to sublease. It was the best I could do and gratefully, she agreed. I was still short some funds to get set up but when my dad heard what I was attempting, he offered a small loan and I was in business!

So there I was in the corner of this very nice jewelry store taking orders during the day and framing all of the items myself in the evenings and Sundays. The word got out and customers were steadily coming in. I wasn’t doing big numbers, but I was moderately successful and it kept me extremely busy. I was up and running and committed to becoming a bigger success.

The jewelry store owner and I were looking for new ways to improve the store and we hit on the idea of getting some larger artworks to show. I had recently seen a one-person person art exhibit at our community art center nearby. We thought that art would do well in our space so I gave the artist a call and he came over a week later.

Interestingly, the artist grew up in the framing / gallery business and was very receptive to what we were hoping to achieve. Once everyone agreed that we would show his artworks, the conversation shifted to what our plans were for the business.

We talked about the importance of having a good business plan and he discussed this new idea of manifesting positive outcomes. Turns out the artist was Ken, the author of Manifesting 123 and you don’t need #3. He told us some fascinating business stories that  people had manifested so I got a copy of the book.

Subleasing this space was only a start and I was happy to have it, but reaching full potential would require more counter and display space. It was about getting a nice space of my own  but I was lacking the necessary funds and the perfect storefront had not yet appeared.

The many stories in Manifesting 123 gave me some confidence so I opened my mind and started acting upon what I had learned. At the beginning, I decided I would not look backwards. I was no longer the person enduring so many hardships. In my past there were so many evenings when I sat in the living room and cried over a lack of money. Not any longer. The book was a revelation because it taught me that my thoughts will literally create what I visualize.Things really began to get interesting when I put Manifesting 123 to work.

I was inspired and highly motivated by the book so I began visualizing my successful business with a perfect storefront location. Perfect implies that it’s a great space, one I can afford and it allows me to be profitable and happy. The book showed me how to make a movie in my future as a basis for manifesting. It was simple, so in my movie I was comfortably in the new space and successful.

Three months later the perfect storefront opened up right next door! I couldn’t ask for a better location but the lease was beyond my means. I got a call from the developer. They had received offers from other people but I had the type of business they wanted for the space. It was an amazing call. They wanted me in that space! After our conversation they understood I would need favorable terms to make it work.

Could this possibly be happening? Is there chance for me? The developer got back to me in a matter of days with a wonderful plan. It was exactly what I needed to get into the space and fix it up in a minimal but attractive way. They made the lease affordable and I simply moved next door into my dream come true!

For three months now I am the proud businesswoman with my own storefront in a wonderful and vibrant small town. Yes, I’m still doing everything myself and working hard but it is my very own business, the dream come true.

Did I mention that I was visualizing profits in my future? Well the profits are happening and I am so very, very grateful!

As I said earlier, I’m doing all the work but Manifesting 123 led me to create a clear vision and provided the tools to make the impossible happen in three months. As the book said, it was the shortcut to the future I desired. I’m manifesting bigger successes for the future, so stay tuned. Oh yes, there will be staff so I won/t be doing everything on my own!

Trudy didn’t stop. Trudy doesn’t stop. Nothing stops Trudy!

I am in awe at the effort Trudy has consistently put into her dream every day to achieve her goal. Hard work and determination will overcome just about anything and she is the great example of that. When we first talked, I asked if she was someone that wished, prayed and hoped for things. She confirmed that she was all that and looking for a way to make her business goals a reality.

She got the book that day and made it a part of her business plan. She began to manifest a successful future with the power of her thoughts – something we are equally capable of doing.

Trudy didn’t limit the location, money or timing. Her thoughts created the perfect solution in three months and overcame the financial ‘cant’s.” I was really impressed that she was already in her ideal location at the jewelry store. What could be better? Her own business at the same location next door!

Too good to be true? Nope, just perfectly manifested. Thank you for your inspiring story!


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Go to the Interviews Page to see and hear Ken talking about Manifesting 123 and you don’t need #3. There is new information here and you won’t hear it anywhere else. It is so simple. Make it work for you!

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Ken Elliott

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