After the Workshop, Things are Happening Fast  part 2

After the Workshop, Things are Happening Fast part 2


Excerpt from part one:  complete part 1 

“When I attended your workshop last week, I was at a very low point. I was having to take pain pills and muscle relaxants as a result of an accident a few weeks before. My doctor said I may need surgery, adding to my worries.”

“I had just seen my financial planner and realized how I cannot afford my life or my retirement with the current job / trajectory which is physically too demanding for me anymore. I really want to do art, travel and help people one on one. I didn’t see how.”

Deb continues today:

I am in presently in California interviewing for jobs. I live in Denver, but the companies are headquartered in California, so the interviews take place here.

I have interviewed for two more jobs here since we last spoke. These jobs were very intense pressure cookers since they involve start-up projects. They also involve considerable travel and a lot of commute time in Denver traffic.

To take these jobs would require me to buy another home or rent something in downtown Denver. My primary home is 1 1/2 hours to the south in Colorado Springs. That is a lot of sacrifice and money to make these jobs work.

I love my present home with the expansive landscapes and without the soul-squashing rush hour traffic.

During the job search, I was using the manifesting techniques in the book. I was trusting the process and taking it one step at a time. I believed it would somehow work out.

Yesterday, I had a third interview was for a similar Colorado position, not as pressured, and with flextime. It was just right for me and guess what? It was in Colorado Springs! It’s starting out part time, but I will get in with the company and training just in time for their national convention in Florida.

By the way, my Manifesting Movie is about my job but it also includes a warm beach in the winter.

So I’m taking this offer, it’s like it was custom-made for me. The timing will place me at the national convention where I will meet my new associates in person from all over the country. I am getting every break. This perfect timing will give me a jump start on my new adventure and I get to travel to that sunny, Florida  beach. It is just as I manifested it.

Somehow, everything is working out perfectly!

I have the Manifesting 123 ‘cheat sheet’ (tear outs from the back of the book) and my Manifesting 123 list on the fridge. It helps remind me of my intentions and keeps me on track!

Many blessings,

Manifesting is a beach sometimes.

Deb made it sound simple but it wasn’t. In part one last December, she had health and financial issues to overcome. complete part 1 

Everyday she was doing the Manifesting 123 techniques by viewing her movie in the future and offloading the fear. She had plenty on her plate to hold her back but she was determined to go forward with positive solutions.

Her manifesting was making a difference and she could see incremental effects coming in.

It was a big break to be offered her perfect job in the smaller metro – her present home.  As it turns out, Deb manifested and created some very important changes in only two months. This new job was part of that incremental process mentioned earlier.

Looking back, it would have seemed unlikely for so much good to happen that quickly. Some would be too overwhelmed to try, but Deb had all the tools she needed and took the shortcut, Manifesting 123!

By the way, while in California interviewing, Deb spent her extra time on the beach. Now that she got the new job, she will be traveling to the National convention in Florida. You know the one, it’s the state surrounded on three sides by beaches.

Way to go Deb!

Who wants to step up and go next?

Happy Manifesting,

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Ken Elliott

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