Here’s Another One of Those Stories: The Equivalent of Money!

Here’s Another One of Those Stories: The Equivalent of Money!

This story is the perfect example of the equivalent of money. There are equivalents everywhere when we are manifesting. Money, health, perfect homes and partners all have very pleasant equivalents. In this story, J. just learned what that means first hand.

J. writes:
Earlier this March I had the most interesting thing happen.
Lately it has been a little too tight financially. There was too much of the month-to-month, pay the bills concerns. It’s so easy to slip into worry, so I use the word concern here. It has a lighter touch.

OK, so my concern when I woke was to check my online banking to see if I had enough money on hand to pay the rent. If the account was lean then funds would have to come from savings. That’s fine, but if that continues the savings would disappear – a very bad thing.

To keep that very bad outcome away, I have been using Manifesting 123 to create a good solution.

As the book recommends, figure out what you desire in your future. Also, if something is really bothering you now, have a scene in your future where that problem has been resolved – it doesn’t exist. My big problem is not having enough financial cushion to stay months ahead of my bills.

This is what I did. I have a movie scene in my future where I can clearly see that my bills are paid a year in advance and indefinitely forward. I heard the author offer that phrase when I attended his workshop last year and I jumped on it.

So after logging in to my online banking 10 days ago I got a big surprise, a Very Big Surprise.

Allow me to back up a few years. I started taking Social Security a bit early and it worked out really nicely for me. Until…. I was contacted by Social Security and they told me I made too much money one year. By the rules, I now had to pay back almost a full year of SS payments, about $12,000. That’s a very big Ouch! There is a good side though. 

I’m still eligible to receive monthly SS payments, but the $12,000 has to be paid back. However, it can be paid back by NOT getting the monthly payments for a time. That’s better than writing a check for the full amount in one lump sum. Eventually I’ll start getting SS again when the $12k is paid back. OK, fine.

So back to this March and three days before I checked my online account. I had been wondering when I would begin receiving my SS checks again. I pulled out their paperwork and the letter informed me that beginning in March 2016, I would start getting full payments. That was great news because the first check would arrive in a couple of weeks.

Here’s the big surprise part. When I checked my account online there was an extra $12,000 there! I literally blinked a few times and looked to see how the money got there. It was too early for the SS checking I was expecting and I would be noting like the $12K. The big deposit was directly from SS and further checking with my SS account indicated that it was a one-time payment. Incredible and it wasn’t a mistake.

I went back into my paperwork and although the agency never informed me of such, they had withdrawn payments from me way too long and now they owed me! What an amazing outcome and it came just in time. Without that big deposit, I would have been digging into savings to cover the bills. Now it is just the opposite and I have a nice cushion to go forward with.

Amazingly, my manifesting created an outcome to the letter! This isn’t the first time I’ve had a big result from what I learned in the book and it won’t be the last. It feels great to see your thoughts become real and thanks to the book I know how thought really works, a very important thing in my life. Knowing how my mind actually builds things helps to keep the worries in check too! What a great tool!

Grateful, grateful, grateful and thank you,

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Photo credit: Corporate Jet Investor

Ken Elliott

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